If you need an override for a CSCE course then fill out our Override Request Form. We will get you in, if possible. Note that we first let CSE majors only into some CSCE classes. We let CS minors and others into CSCE classes at a later date. If you need the course for a minor, click on the CRN in Self Service and look at "Course Description." Many colleges, including this one, allow minors to register beginning a certain date after majors. This date will be indicated here. For CSCE courses, it is two weeks after registration starts. Business also sets certain sections aside for non-Business majors so check each CRN for restrictions.
If it is not a CSCE course (say MGSC, ECON, MGMT, MATH, etc) then you will have to contact the department which teaches that class and try to get them to let you in. Our Override Request Form page shows you how to contact several other departments/Colleges.
You can also fill out our Override Request form so that we will know which other departments are giving students trouble. Typically, the problem is that they are only letting in their own majors in the class first and will later open up the class to all majors. Click the CRN and look at "course description" to see if there is a future date for minors and look at "course restrictions" to see if the section is exclusive to certain majors/minors. Note that, it is impossible for the CSE department to override you into a non-CSCE course. Each department at USC can override restrictions for its own courses only, not for classes in other departments.