Friday, October 18, 2019 - 11:00 am
Sumwaltt 305
ABSTRACT: The grand challenge for the Georgia Tech emPrize team in the XPrize AI competition is to make human learning more accessible, effective and achievable. We are developing a coordinated set of AI techniques to assist human learning, including (1) Virtual cognitive tutors for learning domain concepts and skills; (2) Virtual teaching assistants that answer questions and student introductions on online discussion forums; (3) A question-asking virtual teaching assistant for formative assessment to help learners refine their business models for spawning startups; (4) A virtual research assistant
for literature review that helps engineering students locate and understand biology articles relevant to design problems, and (5) A virtual research assistant that helps biology students conduct computational experiments in ecology. I will present the current status of these technologies, including their assessment and evaluation, focusing on the virtual teaching and research assistants. I will describe how our notion of AI has changed during the course of this program from a technology into a social-technical system, and, in particular, from a tool to a medium to a social actor.
BIO: Ashok Goel is Professor of Computer Science and Human-Centered Computing in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology and Chief Scientist for Georgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities. He conducts research into artificial intelligence and cognitive science with a focus on computational design and creativity, and more recently, AI-powered learning and education. He is the Editor of AAAI’s AI Magazine and a Co-Chair of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. He is a co-editor of the volume Blended Learning in Practice: A Guide for Practitioners and Researchers published by MIT Press in April 2019. dilab.gatech.edu/ashok-k-goel