The AI Institute at the University of South Carolina is happy to announce the inauguration of the following activities as part of its second phase of operation. As the primary objectives of enhancing research and educational capacity, engaging the broader community, and developing a modern workforce, the AI Institue@USC is happy to announce the following activities:

AI Roundtable Discussion: Join us in a 2-hour meeting when an AI-related topic (suggested by the USC community) is presented by a panel of experts (during the first hour) and discussed by the broader community of participants and experts (during the second hour). The topics will be suggested by the participants and selected based on popularity. First Friday of the month. Registration form

AI-ification: Present your research that can benefit from modern AI approaches to a panel of friendly and knowledgeable AI practitioners during the first hour of this meeting. During the second hour of the meeting, the panel will brainstorm and recommend ways of integrating modern AI techniques into your existing research. Form new collaborations and partnerships during the brainstorming session, take the formed ideas to AI-athon, and embark on your path to Deep AI-ification. Second Friday of the month. Registration form.

AI-athon: Bring your data, research problem, and a potential Machine Learning approach (perhaps developed during AI-ification) for full implementation during a one-day hands-on workshop. The AII will provide space and expertise to guide you through installation, coding, and development of a Machine Learning engine. To remain effective, we aim to offer a low participant-to-instructor ratio, therefore, space is limited. At the end of this one-day workshop, you will walk away with a functional ML engine, the knowledge of how to improve the core engine, and have formed a collaborative research in AI/ML. Third Friday of the month. Registration form.