Dr. Pooyan Jamshidi has received an NSF research award for his project on "Causal Performance Debugging for Highly-Configurable Systems" and another NSF research award for a joint project with colleagues in the Math department on "Mathematical Foundation of Data Science at University of South Carolina."

Abstract (Casual Debugging)

Software performance is critical for most software systems to achieve scale and limit operating costs and energy consumption. As modern software systems, such as big data and machine-learning systems, are increasingly built by composing many reusable infrastructure components and deployed on distributed and heterogeneous hardware, developers have powerful tools and abstractions at their fingertips, and as a result face immense configuration complexity... The project is intended to initiate a paradigm shift in today's testing and debugging methodology for complex, highly configurable systems, thereby positively impacting a broad range of industrial sectors relying on complex, highly configurable systems. Specifically, the project contributes to substantial energy savings and reduced carbon emissions, especially for the many big-data and machine-learning systems that operate at a massive scale. Finally, the research is providing valuable training for involved students from diverse backgrounds in research and generating high-quality researchers and practitioners for society.

Abstract (Data Science at UofSC)

This Research Training Group (RTG) project is a joint effort of Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Engineering. It aims to develop a multi-tier Research Training Program at the University of South Carolina (UofSC) designed to prepare the future workforce in a multidisciplinary paradigm of modern data science. The education and training models will leverage knowledge and experience already existing among the faculty and bring in new talent to foster mathematical data science expertise and research portfolios through a vertical integration of post-doctoral research associates, graduate students, undergraduate students, and advanced high school students.