Ignite! Ideas Contest

Attention all start-ups, small business owners, social entrepreneurs, savvy students, big thinkers, and go-getters. We’ve got a proposition for you... EngenuitySC and Wells Fargo are teaming up to give away $5000 for your ideas! Send us a video by October 24th outlining your original idea or business solution to start or grow a Columbia-based initiative, and we'll hook you up with a chance to be 1 of 3 presentations at Ignite! 2013. We'll put you on stage to pitch your idea to our audience of 500+. They will vote live via text for the winner, and you could walk away with $5,000.

Web Developer

I need a short-term website developer to reformat and update my website. Website was created on iWeb and is currently online. Individual needs to be able to stay on task to complete project with accuracy and be able to instruct me how to continue the site on my own once revised. Send resume w/references and hourly rates to: A. Marturano marturan@mailbox.sc.edu

WGBH Innovation Math Challenge

The Innovation Math is a challenge for educators, student teams, gamers, programmers, and anyone who has a great idea to create fun and engaging math educational media. WGBH Educational Foundation is seeking up to 100 educational media digital resources (videos, games, interactives, infographics, and manipulatives) that are directed towards middle school students and loosely aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The digital resources selected will be showcased on PBS LearningMedia as part of a middle school math resource collection. What are the media asset requirements?
  • 2-6 minutes of engagement time in length
  • Focused on math content
  • Loosely aligned with the new Common Core State Standards
  • All appropriate rights and releases for use
Assets should be engaging, rich in content and context, and go beyond strictly procedural teaching. Are there prizes? Yes! Each selected asset will receive a $1,000 prize.

STEM Crisis is a Myth

From this IEEE Spectrum magazine The STEM Crisis is a Myth (short for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).
That report argued that the best indicator of a shortfall would be a widespread rise in salaries throughout the STEM community. But the price of labor has not risen, as you would expect it to do if STEM workers were scarce. In computing and IT, wages have generally been stagnant for the past decade, according to the EPI and other analyses. And over the past 30 years, according to the Georgetown report, engineers’ and engineering technicians’ wages have grown the least of all STEM wages and also more slowly than those in non-STEM fields; while STEM workers as a group have seen wages rise 33 percent and non-STEM workers’ wages rose by 23 percent, engineering salaries grew by just 18 percent. The situation is even more grim for those who get a Ph.D. in science, math, or engineering. The Georgetown study states it succinctly: “At the highest levels of educational attainment, STEM wages are not competitive.”
See also HN discussion.

PhP and JavaScript at Bankquest

A gifted and talented student in the Computer Science department is needed who is highly gifted in both Php and JavaScript programming as well as be able to integrate both computer programming languages into Html5. The company just released called BankQuest, a new website where member's can get paid for doing things online such as socializing, searching, watching videos, playing games, writing blogs, and much more. The interview process is simple: "....a series of different workable programs in Php and JavaScript must be completed within an hour. For completing the interview process, you will be handed $100 and will then be offered a job." BankQuest started as a partnered company and has grown from member's right here at USC Columbia campus. Now opportunities are offered to find educated student's with great skills to interview, build a resume, employed at an amazing rate, and much more. Please spread the word to the members of the Computer Science faculty, staff, and all teachers for the opportunity. To set up a contact and meeting time have the student simply email: support@bankquest.org and a time will be set up within 24 hours. Thanks again.

Apply for Fellowships

The USC Office of Fellowships and Scholars Program has many opportunities for learning how to apply and win these awards. Wondering where to start with National Fellowships this year? How about with INFO (Investigate National Fellowship Opportunities) – our new searchable database of fellowships! Find a fellowship that fits your interest, then come see us during drop-ins to get started on the process! Drop-in hours start Monday, August 26th. Monday and Tuesday in Legare 220: 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday in the Honors Residence Hall A107: 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. As you plan your semester, don’t forget to mark your calendar for our upcoming workshops facilitated by USC faculty, previous winners, and OFSP advisors. Monday, August 26, Gressette Room, Harper College, 3:30 p.m. FULBRIGHT GRANT Dr. Jeff Persels, Dr. Yvonne Ivory, and Jen Bess will share information on this award, available to graduating seniors and graduate students who articulate a clear program involving study, research or teaching English to be carried out in a particular international academic setting for one year. Fluency in the host language is preferred, an appreciation for cross-cultural exchange and a strong background in American culture and current events of the host country are critical. USC Application Deadline: September 4, 2013. Wednesday, August 28, Room 322 Legare College, 3:30 p.m. KNOWLES, MADISON, AND FORD SCHOLARSHIPS Dr. Ed Dickey will share information about the Knowles Science Teaching Fellowship, and there will be a discussion of the Madison and Ford scholarships as well. All three offer support for graduate-level study leading to careers in teaching. The Knowles focuses on teaching high school science and math, the Madison supports those intending to teach high school social studies or US history, and the Ford supports students interested in increasing the diversity among university faculty. Knowles Deadline: October 15, 2013. Madison Deadline: March 1, 2014. Ford Deadline: November 15 and 20, 2013. Wednesday, September 4, Room 322 Legare College, 3:30 p.m. GATES-CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARSHIP Dr. Kevin Lewis will discuss the opportunity offered by the Gates-Cambridge Scholarship, which funds a graduate degree at Cambridge in any discipline, to students who are committed to improving the lives of others. USC Application Deadline: October 9, 2013. Wednesday, September 11, Room 322, Legare College, 3:30 p.m. TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP Dr. Shelley Smith will present the Truman Scholarship. The Truman provides up to $30,000 to juniors (any major) preparing for a career in public service with demonstrated leadership, academic achievement, service accomplishments, and a commitment to public service. USC Nomination Deadline: October 23, 2013. Monday, September 16, Gressete Room of Harper College, 3:30 p.m. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRF), with DoD NDSEG, DOE CSGF, and EPA STAR. Join Dr. Erin Connolly to learn more about the NSF application process. The NSF GRF offers approximately $132,000 to support 3 years of graduate work in the sciences. We will also present a brief amount on other federally-funded opportunities for students seeking funding for graduate school in the STEM fields. NSF GRF Deadlines: November 04- Engineering, Computer and Information Science & Engineering, Materials Research November 05- Mathematical Sciences, Chemistry, Physics & Astronomy November 07- Social Sciences, Psychology, STEM Education & Learning Research November 08- Life Sciences, Geosciences DoD NDSEG Deadline: Mid-December, 2013. DOE CSGF Deadline: Early January, 2013. EPA STAR Deadline: Late November, 2013. *Note corrected day and time* Monday, September 23, Room 322 Legare College, 3:30 p.m. GOLDWATER SCHOLARSHIP with SMART (Science, Math and Research for Transformation). Dr. Douglas Meade will explain the Goldwater Scholarship, while Jen Bess will address the SMART. The Goldwater is the most prestigious national award for undergraduate students in the sciences, providing up to $7,500 to sophomores and juniors who are pursuing bachelors’ degrees in science, mathematics or engineering, and who have strong GPAs, research experience, and a commitment to a research career. USC Nomination Deadline: October 21, 2013. The SMART fellowship offers an estimated $42,200 for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines and who want to work at DOD laboratories. Supplemental materials to OFSP for overnight mailing: December 4, 2013. Online Application Deadline: mid-December, 2013. See www.sc.edu/ofsp for the full schedule of fall workshops!

Entry Level Software Engineer

About the Opportunity This is a field-based, entry-level position. You’ll be working at client-sites across the U.S. east coast. You’ll need to walk in the door with the basic skills of a Software Engineer: knowledge of scripting, coding, databases, and operating systems. If you have a computer science degree, then you probably have that covered. Then, we’ll expand your skills with training and experience with tools that are specific to our solution space: IBM SmartCloud, BMC, SevOne, ServiceNow, Splunk, and others. Those are “hard skills” that will make you more valuable in the market. True, but that’s something your dad would say. What’s really cool and will set you apart from all the others in your graduating class are the company and clients. It’s all in the “About Us” section. Key Things We Require
  • Proficiency with Operating Systems such as Unix (Solaris, Linux, AIX etc.) and Windows
  • Proficiency with various scripting and coding methods such as PERL, Shell/Batch, XML, SQL
  • Working knowledge of various database flavors such as Oracle, MySQL, MS-SQL etc.
  • General knowledge of Networking principles and protocols
  • Ability to prepare technical documentation
  • Able to work as part of a team at customer sites, may require travel
About Us We’re Softential. We design, integrate, and manage IT Service Management (ITSM) solutions. And we’re in the very sweet and enviable position of having the right solutions at the right time. Our solutions are on the leading-edge of Gartner-recommended strategies for our space: simplifying complex IT environments with dashboard visibility and control, transforming data into role-based information for quicker and better decision-making, and translating traditional performance metrics into criteria that create value for the organization. Of course, elevating IT infrastructure and architecture to deliver these benefits requires mapping dependencies, identifying and automating processes, designing the solution, rationalizing tools, integrating diverse applications, and developing custom application. That requires engineering prowess and that’s what you’ll develop as a Softential engineer. To apply, send your resume to careers@softential.com.

Part-Time Web Developer

I have a need for a PT web developer to revise my website to my specifications. My web address is active but my former developer has gone out of business and my site is out of date. I need someone who is a self-starter, can take direction. The site was developed in Dreamweaver and html language. I have most of the pictures and data available to build the site. The candidate must be a US citizen because of the type of work that I do. Brian A. Christiano, MSME, P.E. bchristiano@bcengineeringanddesign.com BC Engineering and Design P.O. Box 11315 Columbia, South Carolina 29211-1315

Looking for a Good Team

Do you like Music? Do you like to build websites from beginning to end? Would you like to be a part of something BIG? I am currently looking for software engineers, Web Developers simply anyone who can build part or a whole website from the bottom up. This opportunity is lucrative, and if I can find the right person/persons then you can be apart of the website that everyone will be talking about in Music. I have worked in music for 10 years and I have the experience to take this site to a level that will be unmatched. If I were to describe the work it will take, it will be like building a MYSPACE type site. Lots of work, but the payoff will be even greater. Thanks and you can reach me at jordanmasonmusic@gmail.com

Georgetown Startup Weekend

Cowork MYR, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & The Alliance for the Economic Development of Georgetown Co. have come together to create Opportunities for Technology Enthusiasts in the Grand Strand! This fall bring your best ideas, talent and excitement to work together and create businesses and turn ideas into reality! Ever wondered what it takes to be an entrepreneur? The professional and personal challenges, the high and lows, the failures and the success? Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. It is the largest community of passionate entrepreneurs with over 400 past events in 100 countries around the world in 2011. The non-profit organization is headquartered in Seattle, Washington but Startup Weekend organizers and facilitators can be found in over 200 cities around the world. From Mongolia to South Africa to London to Brazil, people around the globe are coming together for weekend long workshops to pitch ideas, form teams, and start companies. All Startup Weekend events follow the same basic model: anyone is welcome to pitch their startup idea and receive feedback from their peers. Teams organically form around the top ideas (as determined by popular vote) and then it’s a 54 hour frenzy of business model creation, coding, designing, and market validation. The weekends culminate with presentations in front of local entrepreneurial leaders with another opportunity for critical feedback. Whether entrepreneurs found companies, find a cofounder, meet someone new, or learn a skill far outside their usual 9-to-5, everyone is guaranteed to leave the event better prepared to navigate the chaotic but fun world of startups. Georgetown Startup Weekend

Internships at Boingo

I am looking for interns from USC at Boingo for Linux Systems Engineering and Network Engineering. Here is the list of my requirements. For anyone who is interested, please send the resumes to jobs@boingo.com. Systems Engineering Intern Performance Profile: As an engineering intern, you will be part of the Systems Engineering team responsible for maintaining Boingo’s QA/DEV and Production server environment. These systems are primary RedHat 5 and 6 systems running Boingo’s applications. You will assist our system administrators with RedHat install, tool development, and automations. Responsibilities:
  • Assist System Administrators with OS installs
  • Help standardize our kickstart environment
  • Perform various system administrator maintenance tasks
  • Tools development to help automate various processes
  • 1-2 years of experience with some flavor of Linux preferably Redhat 5 and above
  • Clear understanding of the Linux boot up process along with its standard services
  • 1 year of scripting experience (perl, bash)
  • Able to work efficiently and being able to follow directions
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Excellent communication skills
Nice to haves:
  • Experience with PXE booting
  • LDAP and DNS experience is a plus
  • Data center experience working with Dell hardware is a plus
Network Engineering Intern Performance Profile: As an engineering intern, you will be part of the Network Engineering team responsible for maintaining Boingo’s QA/DEV and Production network environment. These systems are primary using Cisco network devices and technologies. Responsibilities:
  • Perform scans of networks and add IP addresses to IPPlan
  • Clean up/add to cabling in West LA HQ and El Segundo Data Centers
  • Perform maintenance on network devices
  • Document network environment
  • 1-2 years of experience with Cisco, Citrix and other network vendors as required
  • Knowledge and understanding of TCP/IP protocol, IP Addressing (DHCP, NAT, etc…)
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, coupled with discretion and sound judgment
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Excellent communication skills
Nice to haves:
  • Experience in the following technologies: OSPF, BGP, HSRP, VRRP, MPLS, VLAN/Trunking, QoS, GSLB, IDS
  • Knowledge of firewall architecture (ASA/PIX/FWSM/ACL/Proxy)

App for Biology Department

I am in the biology dept here at USC and would like to see if any computer science students would be interested in helping us with a project. It isn't a "job" necessarily as there won't be any pay, but we plan on publishing our work and the student would be given a coauthor status on the paper. We have developed a DOS program with the help of a programmer from Intel that we could really use a GUI for but we lack the skills to make a decent looking interface. I believe it would be a fairly simple task as all the GUI has to do is allow check boxes or pull down menus to feed switches to the DOS command. Nothing more. But it should look nice and be intuitive. We currently run the program from the command line but there are a growing number of switches, which the user won't be able to remember without referring back to a manual. Ideally, the input boxes for the switches would provide some popup feedback. We hope this would give a student experience working in a collaborative, interdisciplinary, setting; provide a scientific publication; and help them hone their skills. Mark Roberts Department of Biological Sciences University of South Carolina