CS Bachelor Degrees Continue Rise

The CRA reports that Computer Science BS degrees continue to rise, for a fifth straight year. The number of new undergraduate computing majors among U.S. computer science departments rose an astonishing 29.2 percent this year, according to new data released today by the Computing Research Association.

Website Designer - Dreamweaver Consultant

Graduate of the USC School of Business in need of a Columbia based website designer who has an advanced working knowledge of Dreamweaver to help me tune up 4 existing websites. Hourly rate is negotiable. If interested, please contact me at eptsc@bellsouth.net with the best way you may be reached. Thanks

Recs Hack Day Hackathon in Greenville

I'd like to invite the USC Computer Science department to attend Greenville's hackathon, Recs Hack Day, this April. My company, Relify, is hosting the hackathon to bring together the tech community, and we'd love to have attendance from USC students. The goal of the event is for creatives and builders to collaborate to build cool apps and solve real problems. It will also be a chance for students to network with the tech and business community. The event is free and will include prizes for winning hacks, food/drinks and a lot of fun. All info can be found on the Recs Hack Day website: recshackday.com. Cheers, Andria Trivisonno Co-Founder, Relify.com andria@relify.com 310.622.3812

Georgia Teaching Fellows

I wanted to reach out to you because Georgia Teaching Fellows is recruiting applicants who are interested in becoming teachers and I think this would be a great opportunity for students at the University of South Carolina. We are recruiting for several subject areas, with a particular focus in middle or high schoool math which is why I'm reaching out to you specifically. As I'm sure you know the need for strong middle or high schoool math teachers is extremely high in Greater Atlanta, including Atlanta and Columbus. This is where you can help. We take recent graduates and career changers who have strong content knowledge in areas related to middle and high school science and prepare them to teach in high needs communities in Greater Atlanta. Students that you teach within the Department of Computer Science and Engineering have the content knowledge we're looking for in our applicants. Our next application deadline is March 25th. Could you take a few minutes to share infromation about Georgia Teaching Fellows with your students and help us deliver on the promise of quality education for all children? Robyn Maggio Recruitment Ambassador, Greater Atlanta Teaching Fellows Programs TNTP

Part-time Java and HTML

We are looking for one or more under graduates that want part time work and on the job work experience. This person must have had some training in Java and HTML. Work hours are very flexible to coincide with class schedules at USC. We are located in Batesburg-Leesville about 30 miles from the campus. Please contact me, Joe C. Whittle (jwhittle@expertplan.com) or call me at (302) 743-0942.

iOS Developer Needed

I'm a graduate of USC School of Business in search of an iOS App Developer. Is there a current student or graduate you can refer me to who might be interested in hearing my idea about a sports related App and working to help me develop it? My contact number is (803)422-7648. I have a business selling a device already that has nationwide demand. However, the concept would be FAR more appealing if it were modernized into the form of a SmartPhone App. Randy Sease (randysease@aol.com)

USC Student Seeking Web Developer For Startup

This startup is an opportunity to be a part of a new business concept. Looking for a web developer who is creative, motivated, and willing to work as a business partner. It would be ideal to have a good amount of web design experience but if you are up to the challenge to be a part of something entrepreneurial this is your chance to improve your skills. Send any inquiries to beardtr@email.sc.edu. Please include a resume and contact information.

Summer Undergraduate Internship Position at Sandia National Labs

We are seeking a qualified and motivated undergraduate student to continue development of an immersive virtual environment for designing and simulating physical defense scenarios. The current environment is implemented using the Unity 3D game engine and includes basic tools for environment customization, physical sensor models, and AI path planning. Our goals are to increase the physical fidelity of the sensor models, implement intelligent adversaries, and improve the user interface. This work will involve communicating with engineering groups and working well in a small team. There is also room for exploratory work, depending on the student's interest. The student will gain real-world experience developing software and be able to contribute to the incorporation of virtual environments for national security applications. Location: Livermore, CA Required Skills:
  • Experience with C# or other object-oriented languages
  • Ability to communicate well and implement engineering specifications
  • Desire to learn and explore new problems
Desired Skills:
  • Game engine experience
  • User interface design experience
  • AI knowledge
Duration: 12 weeks Contact Andrew Smith amsmit@sandia.gov