Tuesday, November 24, 2015 - 02:50 pm
Amoco Hall, Swearingen
Dr. Tom Bradicich GM & VP Hewlett Packard Enterprises Where and When: Tuesday, Nov. 24 Amoco Hall, Swearingen 2:50 PM- 4:00 PM  What: An engineer who is a well-known worldwide leader in IT shares his wisdom for leading and succeeding. Why Come? Dr. Bradicich led the design team for IBM’s first prototype notebook (laptop) computer. Currently he is a general manager and vice president of Hewett Packard Enterprises and leads three global HP Discovery Labs in the US, France, and Singapore. He holds several patents. Dr. Bradicich has advised foreign governments, major universities, and global industry leaders. He serves as a technical advisor to HP legal on business and IP contracts with third parties. He is leading the global business unit Hyperscale Servers and Systems (IoT=Internet of Things). His systems received an InfoWorld 2015 Technology of the Year Award. He has earned the BSEE, MSEE, and PhD Engineering degrees, serves on the Dean’s Advisory Board of the College of Engineering at the University of Florida, and has guest lectured and served as adjunct faculty at several universities, teaching courses in the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Bradicich is sought after by the media. He is coming to USC as a favor and in a most unusual and generous offer has decided not to charge for his services. Students should take advantage of hearing wisdom from such a world leader. You can see his accomplishments by checking these things out: 1. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tombradicichphd 2. Google Tom Bradicich: See the quotes by him 3. His Blog: http://tombradicichphd.tumblr.com/