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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is THE topic of the hour - praised to solve the most pressing problems of humankind while at the same time damned as the end of civilization as we know it. In manufacturing, every company today has been told by service providers, vendors, and the media that they need to invest in AI and other Smart Manufacturing technologies or face certain failure. At the same time, there is a lack of understanding of how Applied AI and other Smart Manufacturing technologies impact the business models, value creation, and sustainability in a manufacturing and digital supply network context. This seminar highlights recent promising efforts to apply AI to improve manufacturing. First, we will be looking at selected advanced, smart, and sustainable manufacturing related projects including i) a recently completed collaborative project on ‘Hybrid modeling for energy efficient CNC grinding’ funded by CESMII which achieved a 37% reduction in energy and 41% in processing time, ii) an ongoing effort funded by NSF on factory to factory communication, digital twins, and time-series analytics, iii) a new DoD funded project on time-series analytics in composites additive manufacturing, and iv) a NSF funded effort combining federated learning and blockchain technology in manufacturing networks. Concluding, we will be venturing out a bit by exploring more visionary ‘tomorrow’s’ opportunities of advanced and smart manufacturing technologies. The seminar content is based on projects funded by CESMII, NSF, DoD, NIST, and the EPA, and partially based on the presenter's book 'Digital Supply Networks' by McGraw-Hill that won the IISE Book of the Year 2021 award - www.digitalsupplynetwork.com
Short Bio:
Dr. Thorsten Wuest is a Full Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing at the University of South Carolina. His research focusses on Smart and Advanced Manufacturing, AI/ML incl., Hybrid Analytics and Federated Learning, Industry 4.0, Servitization and Product Service Systems, as well as closed-loop, item-level Product Lifecycle Management. Dr. Wuest's research is funded by a variety of federal agencies (incl. NSF, NIST, DoD, EPA, NIH, CESMII/DoE), international agencies (incl. Thomas Jefferson Fund, DFG, EC, BMBF, etc.), and industry. He is a globally recognized Smart Manufacturing thought leader and one of SME's 20 most influential professors in smart manufacturing. In addition to publishing his work in the premier academic outlets of his field, he was featured by Forbes, Futurism, IndustryWeek, the World Economic Forum, CBC Radio, and World Manufacturing Forum, etc. Dr. Wuest gave invited talks in more than 10 countries and published three award-winning books and over 170 peer-reviewed articles in international archival journals and conferences gathering over 11,000 citations to-date, and serves as a reviewer for many. He serves as Vice-Chair Americas for the IFIP WG 5.7, is an Associate Editor for the Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (RCIM), ASTM Journal Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems (SSMS), and the International Journal of Manufacturing Research (IJMR), and a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Manufacturing Systems (JMSY) and Production & Manufacturing Research (PMR) and several more. He serves on the Advisory Board for multiple companies and startups, including the Knudsen Institute, Maven Machines, Veepio, Sustainment, and SavePlanetEarth. Learn more at www.SmartMfg.info