Cybersecurity Research Labs in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering <\h2>
Data and Application Security Laboratory: Group developing technologies that provide data and application security. Current research topics of the students and faculty affiliated with the Information Security Laboratory can be categorized in the following areas: 1) Data security and privacy, 2) Security for IoT systems, 3) Adversarial attacks against machine learning systems, and 4) Semantics-based data provenance and integrity for HPC.
Secure Protocol Implementation & Development Lab (SPID): Group dedicated to the implementation and development of secure protocols for computer networks and distributed systems. SPIDers here are currently conducting research in the areas of network anomaly detection, secure sensor network infrastructures, and security of intermediate network devices.
Software Security Lab: Group dedicated to securing software systems by developing new software analysis techniques, discovering vulnerabilities, and enhancing software security.
Systems Security Lab: Group dedicated to security of various computing systems, with a focus on mobile systems, Internet of Things, and deep learning systems. We study state-of-the-art attacks and defenses around these systems, aiming at more secure and trustworthy computing environments.