We need your help! Please volunteer and encourage your students to support the Partners for Minorities in Engineering and Computer Science (PMECS) summer camps.
Every summer several CEC students and faculty help out with the PMECS programs. In addition to the positive experiences, these activities also help with writing a successful broader impact for your next proposal. The PMECS program is a well-established annual summer program, offered since 1978. Participating in PMECS will show your contribution to improving diversity in engineering and computer science. We are looking for faculty, graduate students and/or undergraduate students to lead and facilitate hands-on educational sessions for these students.
This summer around 180 underrepresented minority (URM) high school students will participate in PMECS programs. There are two sessions: residential (around 120 students) and commuter (around 60 students). PMECS students are divided into four groups: rising freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The PMECS students are supervised at all times, so you would only need to provide the educational content for your session. Each session can last any amount of time between 1.5 hours or ½ day. Hands-on activities are highly encouraged.
These summer camps provide valuable experiences for both the high school students and the CEC volunteers. Most PMECS students return each summer during their high school studies. Their interactions with CEC faculty and students may entice them to apply to USC. Moreover, they will be our best recruiters by promoting USC to their peers at high school.
The 2019 summer PMECS camps will be June 10-14 for commuter students and June 24-28 for residential students. Please contact me for additional information.
Brian McCaster
Inclusive Programs Coordinator
College of Engineering and Computing
Swearingen Engineering Center, Student Services 1A10F
mccastbr@cec.sc.edu | T 803-777-4023 | F 803-777-3818