Open Source 101 Conference in Cola: Free to USC Students

Use promo code "USC". General Event Overview: Open Source 101 A one-day processes and tools conference for technologists and decision makers Thursday, April 18 Columbia, SC USA Event Overview:… 2019 Speakers: 2019 Schedule Overview: To Register: Student scholarships: USC student promo code (enter this code when registering): USC *limited scholarships available, so move quickly if interested 2018 attendance: Nearly 500 from 11 southeastern states (498 to be exact) Expected 2019 attendance: 500+ technologists and decision makers Attendee breakdown in 2018: 34% – Developer / programmer / designer 19% – Engineer / scientist / system/database administrator 10% – Executive / C-level (CTO, CIO, CEO) / IT manager 16% – Community / start-up / “other” 21% – Technology student from university or coding school

Research Internship Opportunity Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Are you a graduate student looking for summer internship? Do you enjoy coding in JSON, Python, and html? Well, you are in a right spot:)
Water resources research group at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is seeking to hire an intern in the field of Big Data Analytics. This program is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF). It is anticipated that one (1) student will be selected to work on research project related to Hurricane Florence data in the Carolinas.
We are going to be performing data analysis of flooding events. This is a Civil Engineering-Computer Science and Engineering research effort. The proposed intern would be expected to conduct technical research on issues related to floods. He/she will work on data preprocessing and analysis, as well as algorithmic development (package/GUI development) while would be trained on a variety of programing tools.
Student will work under the direct supervision of faculty members in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering. The team of research mentors includes: Drs. Vidya Samadi and Jose Vidal.
Eligibility Requirements: Students who have previous experience working with python, Java, and R, are strongly encouraged to apply.
Deadlines: The application deadline is March 29, 2019 at 5:00 pm. Notification of finalists will be announced no later than April 19. Finalists will be contacted for interviews during April 3th through April 10 th . It is anticipated that the selection of NSF Fellowship recipient will be announced in April third week and started his/her job in May 13, 2019.
Stipend: Recipient will receive a $13 per hour for the 12-week period starting May 13, 2019 and ending July 31, 2019. Student must be available for the entire duration of the program and are expected to work a standard 10-hour week for each one of the 12 weeks.
Application: Students interested in applying for this program must submit a single PDF to Dr. Samadi ( no later than March 29, 2019. The application file must include the following materials:
  1. Statement of interest that includes:
    • academic status and expected graduation date
    • list of courses planned for summer semester 2019
    • brief description of prior research experiences and relevant work experiences (if any)
    • motivation for participating in this NSF research program
    • expected personal gains/impacts from this research experience
    • career plans after graduation
  2. Resume
  3. an unofficial copy of current transcript
We will review any submitted materials and schedule interviews accordingly. Any questions or concerns should be directed to Dr. Samadi (

HotelGuides Looking for Web Development Help

My company, HotelGuides, is looking for someone to work with me as I learn more about our development end. Specifically, I need to be able to proficiently use MySQL. We're looking for someone with the following qualifications, ideally an upperclassmen or grad student.
  • Experience with PHP and MySQL
  • Experience with HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, and Responsive Layouts
  • Experience with Apache and Linux Web Servers (Experience with AWS is a plus)
Christina D. Goodwin - Genuinely Helpful

Discover USC: Present Your Work or just Help Out

Friday, April 26, 2019 Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center 1101 Lincoln Street Columbia, SC 29201 Something for everyone PRESENT YOUR WORK: Undergraduate and graduate students, medical scholars and postdocs from every field of study are eligible to present. Sign up to present by Friday, March 8. t REVIEW PRESENATIONS: Faculty, staff, postdocs and graduate students can serve as presentation reviewers. Sign up to review by Friday, April 5. VOLUNTEER: Faculty, staff, postdocs and both graduate and undergraduate students can serve as event support volunteers. Sign up to volunteer by Friday, April 5. HOST AN OUTREACH TABLE: Organizations with faculty or staff sponsors can request a free outreach table to promote official programs, research centers and other scholarly, research, creative or leadership-focused groups. Sign up to request an outreach table by Friday, March 29. Reviewers, volunteers, presenters, primary mentors and outreach table hosts receive a free nametag and lunch. Contact us for help with your questions. For presenters At Discover USC, undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs and medical scholars can present research, creative or scholarly projects in a supportive environment surrounded by peers, creating a unique opportunity for professional development and networking. Presenter questions? Event organizers are happy to answer questions from prospective presenters at every level of study. Visit our contact page to look up contact information for the organizer supporting your presenter group, or to send an email to our general inbox.

The Live Connect Code Camp is Hiring Java Teachers

The Live Connect Code Camp is designed to STEMulate young innovators as they engage in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities that promote STEM awareness, community engagement, entrepreneurship, critical and analytical thinking, and college/career readiness. The camp’s main focus is computer programming. Young innovators will receive lessons and complete tasks in this introduction to Java programming. Job description: Lesson instruction
  •  Teach computer science with online video lessons
  •  Engage students and respond to questions/comments
  •  Assist with class activities
  •  Give one-on-one programming support
  •  Evaluate student programming assignments
  •  Facilitate Olympiad activities
On demand support instruction
  •  One-on-one virtual instruction as needed for students (on demand help)
  •  Currently enrolled in higher education institution and pursuing bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field
  •  Comfortable with technology
  •  Imaginative about using online formats in new ways
  •  Inquisitive, creative and curious
  •  Passionate about connecting with students
  •  Patient and resourceful
  •  Organized and careful about time management
  •  Devoted to learning
  •  Attentive to details
  •  Service-oriented
  •  Excellent at oral and written communication
  •  Highly knowledgeable in their subject area
System requirements:
  •  Computer with video conferencing capabilities
  •  High speed internet connection
Code camp days: March 11 – April 12, 2019 - Weeks 1-4: Instruction - Week 5: Olympiad Monday - Friday 3:00pm – 6:00pm On demand support will vary by need of the student. Typical day of instruction: 20 minutes: Lesson 20 minutes: Activity 20 minutes: Programming Activity Important dates: February 20 5:00pm EST – application deadline Week of March 25 – virtual interviews (30 minutes)
  •  model 10-minute lesson (content will be provided)
  •  questions from interviewers
March 6 (evening) - Online training (2 hours) Pay: $250 stipend (complete schedule) Additional instruction: If you have questions, contact Karina Liles at

Charleston Digital Hub Hackathon

The Charleston Digital Hub Hackathon is just over a week away! We are really excited to have everyone onsite and see what the registrants produce to change the world. We still have spots left for participants and teams to register and would love to see more of your students sign up and potentially bring home the grand prize. The Charleston Digital Hub of Booz Allen Hamilton is excited to be hosting a public hackathon on Saturday, February 23rd. The theme for this year's event is "Build something world changing", focusing on an open-source solution to tackle one of four United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This all-day event will be fully catered, providing breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as snacks and drinks throughout the day. Additionally, there will be free swag and a variety of prizes that participants could win. You can register here:… Registration will be capped at 250 participants.

Recruiting Instructors for Summer Coding Camp

We are looking for instructors for the Girls Go for I.T. coding camp? The camp is aimed at middle-school girls. This opportunity is for female computer science majors to apply for funding from the National Center for Women & IT and share their interests coding and STEM with the next generation. This will be our 6th year hosting the camp, so we have a lot of resources to share, and it is of course a paid position. Instructors will be part of a team of 2-3 instructors. (The team will include a lead instructor from computer science and an education lead from the middle-level teacher training program in the School of Education.) The camp dates are June 17-21 (Week 1 -- Games with Scratch) and June 24-28 (Week 2 -- App Inventor). Depending on the candidate we will also run a co-ed week of camp for a local summer program (The Shandon Weekday School) June 10-14, using Scratch. Alicia Wilson Professor and Associate Director School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment

Instructor of Informatics beginning August 16, 2019: USC Updstate

Faculty position to teach on the Spartanburg and/or Greenville campus. The Department of Informatics and Engineering Systems is a vibrant, multi-disciplinary department within a newly formed College of Science and Technology. We seek a colleague who has a passion for teaching in the classroom and online, undergraduate advising and can actively participate in the Department and with University and community partners. Duties include teaching undergraduate courses, serving on university committees, and actively supporting the initiatives of the Department. Required: Master’s degree in information management systems, information technology, informatics, or closely-related field with at least 18 hours in information systems; and recent record of satisfactory teaching in the field. Successful background check is required. Preferred: Ph.D. in information management systems or information technology; a proven record of excellence in teaching; established corporate relationships; and experience in corporate information technology management. Preference will be given to candidates with experience teaching online with innovative, engaging pedagogies; and experience teaching or working with relational databases, microcomputer architecture, information security, human-computer interaction and/or social informatics.

Surf the Waves with ASSET: REU Summer Job

ASSET:ADVANCED SECURED SENSOR ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES MAY 28 - AUG 4, 2019 The application Early Action deadline is January 30, 2019 and the Regular Action deadline is April 5, 2019 or until positions are filled Funded by NSF and DoD (PIs: Dr. Pissinou and Dr. Iyengar) The Summer 2019 REU SITE of Florida International University Research Experience for Undergraduates in Advanced Secured Sensor Enabling Technologies spans ten weeks, May 28 - August 4 2019, offers research and professional development opportunities for 10 undergraduate students. Available research projects share the theme of advanced secured sensor enabling technologies and span several exciting areas such as
  • Trajectory Privacy Preservation in Mobile Sensor Networks,
  • Privacy & Secure Social Sensor Networks,
  • Mobile Video Authenticity Verifications
  • Search Rank Validation for Social Media
  • A Software Library for Visualizing Large Scale Sensor Network Applications,
  • Trajectory Sensor Stream Cleaning,
  • Resource Management for Security & Surveillance over a Sensor Network,
  • Self-configuring, non-cooperative Mobile Sensors and many others
Details about REU-ASSET including an online application, can be found at . The application Early Action deadline is January 30, 2019 and the Regular Action deadline is April 5, 2019 or until positions are filled

Open Source 101 Conference: Call for Speakers

THE OPEN SOURCE 101 SERIES CALL FOR PAPERS NOW OPEN THROUGH MONDAY, FEB 4 The All Things Open team will again host a spring Open Source 101 event in 2019, and speakers are now being sought. The one-day conference will take place Thursday, April 18 in the heart of Columbia, South Carolina’s technology, educational, and entertainment district. It will feature 15 minute keynote, 45 minute, and extended 1.5 hour talks from leading developers, technologists, and thought leaders. In 2018, nearly 500 technologists, decision makers and students attended from 11 U.S. states. The audience was enthusiastic and diverse. 500+ are expected in 2019.

Gamecock Math Club and Pi Mu Epsilon

Dear Student, Pi Mu Epsilon and the Gamecock Math Club (PME/GMC) are student organizations which you might enjoy. Any USC student is welcome to join Gamecock Math Club! (The invitation and application are attached to this email for your convenience.) Our first event this semester will be a "What is a Data Scientist and How do I Become One?" on Tuesday, January 29 at 6:30pm in LC 412. We will have pizza starting at 6pm in the Wyman Williams Room (LC 410) before the talk. (Courtesy of the Statistics Department.) PME/GMC Spring Initiation will be Tuesday, February 12 at 6:30pm in LC 312. Initiation will be preceded by pizza at 6pm in the Undergraduate Student Lounge (LC 311) and followed by a talk "Cool Results Involving Fibonacci Numbers and Compositions" at 7pm in LC 412. For more information, check us out at or on our Facebook page Pi Mu Epsilon and Gamecock Math Club - University of South Carolina. Ronda Sanders PME/GMC Faculty Advisor

STEM Career Fair Jan. 24

STEM Majors Career Fair (Science, Engineering, Technology, Math) January 24, 2019 Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center 12:00pm - 4:00pm Business professional dress required Day After Fair Interviews will be conducted the following day (January 25 @ USC Alumni Center, 900 Senate Street) Complimentary shuttle: Shuttle service will be provided with stops at Columbia Hall/Capstone, Thomas Cooper Library, Swearingen, and the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center (corner of Lincoln/Senate.) The shuttle will take students to the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center and return them to campus. Look for "Job Fair Shuttle" signs in the windows. Be sure to check The Fairs App for shuttle schedule and changes.

UofSC Senior Awards, Apply by Jan. 22

Students must meet the following criteria in order to be considered for senior awards:
  • Must graduate from an undergraduate degree program at USC Columbia between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2019.
  • Must have completed at least 75 academic credit hours.
  • Must exemplify scholarship, involvement, citizenship and leadership in academic and co-curricular activities.
  • Must submit all information in this online application only and electronically sign the honor statement.
  • Students who have requested a privacy indicator on their records must sign the waiver to release award information.
Apply now at

Talk: What is a Data Scientist and how do I become one?

PME/GMC Student Seminar: What is a Data Scientist and how do I become one? Speaker: Brad Llewellyn, Service Engineer, Microsoft Azure Team When: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 6:30pm Where: LeConte 412 Abstract: We've all heard that Data Scientist is the hottest job title of the 21st Century. However, it seems out of reach for many people who don't have advanced degrees in mathematics or computer science. In this professional development session, we'll learn from the mistakes that held me back in my early career. We'll also see three of the different types of Data Scientists in the industry today, and learn what we can do to land that dream job. Follow me on this information voyage as we try to break into the world of Data Science. Bio: Brad is a Service Engineer on Microsoft's FastTrack for Azure Team in Charlotte, NC. Brad helps individuals and organizations leverage Analytics and Azure to revolutionize themselves and their industries. He has an M.S. in Statistics from the University of South Carolina, MCSE Certification in Data Management and Analytics, MCSE Certification in Cloud Platform and Infrastructure and various MCSA Certifications in Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics. Brad is an active blogger at He is also an organizer for the Charlotte BI Group, a local PASS chapter in Charlotte, NC. You can connect with him on LinkedIn at and on Twitter @BreakingBI.Ronda Sanders, Senior Instructor