The Innovation Math is a challenge for educators, student teams, gamers, programmers, and anyone who has a great idea to create fun and engaging math educational media. WGBH Educational Foundation is seeking up to 100 educational media digital resources (videos, games, interactives, infographics, and manipulatives) that are directed towards middle school students and loosely aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The digital resources selected will be showcased on PBS LearningMedia as part of a middle school math resource collection. What are the media asset requirements?
  • 2-6 minutes of engagement time in length
  • Focused on math content
  • Loosely aligned with the new Common Core State Standards
  • All appropriate rights and releases for use
Assets should be engaging, rich in content and context, and go beyond strictly procedural teaching. Are there prizes? Yes! Each selected asset will receive a $1,000 prize.