Summer 2016, 20 hours/week Under the guidance of the School of Business management department faculty and the USC Research Cyberinfrastructure (RCI) group, this position will develop, test, maintain, deploy, and analyze the results of a team computer simulation built from the open source game Empty Epsilon. Empty Epsilon is a networked computer based “Star Trek” style bridge simulator. This position will take the existing open source game Empty Epsilon and develop the additional code to track the performance of each player; the developed solution will need to be fully tested. In support of laboratory simulations this position will deploy and maintain the software to ensure it is ready for each session and the results are being measured and gathered correctly. After the completion of the lab experiments, this position will gather and summarize the simulation results and may be asked to proctor the lab during computer simulations. This position is open to graduate and undergraduate students. Submit resume to the Research Cyberinfrastructure Group Email: with Subject line “Game Simulation Development”