Section 18

Lab Time: Wednesday 4:40pm-5:30pm
Instructor: Md Modasshir

General Policy

Today is the last session of this class and you've almost learned all needed skills for having your own website. See this: The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Own Website to learn about how you can get a host, domain and how you can connect them.

Instruction Due Date
Lab1 Tuesday January 17th, 11:59 pm
Lab2 Tuesday January 24th, 11:59 pm
Lab3 Tuesday February 31st, 11:59 pm
Lab4 Tuesday February 7th, 11:59 pm
Lab5 Tuesday February 14th, 11:59 pm
Lab6 Tuesday February 21st, 11:59 pm
Lab7 Tuesday February 28th, 11:59 pm
Lab8 Tuesday March 14th, 11:59 pm
Lab9 Tuesday March 21st, 11:59 pm
Lab10 Tuesday March 28th, 11:59 pm
Project Wednesday April 19th, 11:59 pm
Lab11 Tuesday April 4th, 11:59 pm
Lab12 Tuesday April 11st, 11:59 pm
Lab13 Tuesday April 18th, 11:59 pm
Lab13 Thursday April 20th, 11:59 pm
Lab14 Wednesday April 19th, 11:59 pm
