Md. Abir Hossen                                                                                                                            Â
Ph.D. StudentComputer ScienceUniversity of South CarolinaE-mail: of Interest:
Autonomous and adaptive systems
Machine learning systems
I am a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science and Engineering department at University of South Carolina. I am currently working at Artificial Intelligence and Systems Laboratory (AISys) as a graduate research assistant under the supervision of Dr. Pooyan Jamshidi. Prior to starting the Ph.D., I worked as a graduate research assistant at the Unmanned and Swarm System (USS) lab. I completed my Masters in Electrical Engineering from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and Bachelors in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB).

Testing RASPBERRY-SI Framework
Fault-tolerant autonomy test in the OWLAT physical testbed at JPL, Pasadena, CA

JPL Visit
Visiting NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CAÂ (Abir (left), Pooyan (middle), and Sonam (right)).

Data collection- Multispectral Images
Visiting a farmland in Sturgis, SD for data collection via an agricultural drone (Abir (left, holding DJI Mavic 2 Pro drone), Ragi (right)).Â

Image of the above farmland collected via a drone equipped with multispectral camera showing NDVI values.
Project Videos
RASPBERRY SI enable science instruments to autonomously adapt space lander and instrument software in response to newly discovered data on the planetary surface.
Eye-Arm Interaction
Implementation and Testing of a Robotic Arm Control System using Eye Tracking for Assisting Disabled People in Bangladesh.Â
ASA V1.0
Autonomous Smart Assistance Robot to serve in the hospital.
ARC-71 URC-2016
MARS rover prototype for University Rover Challenge-2016 competition.
ARC-71 ERC-2016
MARS rover prototype for European Rover Challenge-2016 competition.