Adaptive Real-Time Systems Laboratory (ARTS-Lab)

An interdisciplinary research lab at the University of South Carolina

Real-Time Decision-Making for Smart Structures

The webpage for the High-Rate Monitoring, Damage Detection, Structural Prognostics, and Reactions Working Group can be found here.

Real-Time Decision-Making for Structures Experiencing High-Rate Dynamics

Mission-critical structures that experience high-rate dynamics include hypersonic vehicles, space crafts, ballistics packages, and active blast mitigation. Enabling real-time decision-making for these structures will increase mission success rates by increasing the structure’s survivability, providing on-time guidance corrections, and adopting the mission goals/outcome to changing conditions. High-rate dynamic events are uniquely characterized by 1) large uncertainties in external loads; 2) high levels of nonstationarities and heavy disturbances; and 3) generation of unmodeled dynamics from changes in system configuration. RTDM for mission-critical structures is a very complex task that requires successful on-time structural health monitoring (SHM), localized condition assessment, prognostics, and decision-making protocols. In this research the ARTS-LAB is undertaking exploratory investigations and developing algorithms and methodologies that will enable RTDM for mission-critical structural systems that experience high-rate dynamics, therefore, increasing the robustness and safety of these systems.

Austin Downey

Selected Publications

Ishrat Singh, Philip Conrad, Puja Chowdhury, Jason D. Bakos, Austin Downey. "Real-time Forecasting of Vibrations with Nonstationarities." 9th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXIX) , Feb 2021. PDF BibTeX

Claire Rae Drnek, "Local Eigenvalue Modification Procedure for Real-time Model Updating of Structures Experiencing High-rate Dynamic Events." University of South Carolina, 2020, University of South Carolina Graduate Theses and Dissertations.

Austin Downey, Jonathan Hong, Jacob Dodson, Michael Carroll, and James Scheppegrell, "Millisecond model updating for structures experiencing unmodeled high-rate dynamic events." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 138, 2020, p. 106551, doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.106551. PDF link BibTeX

Jonathan Hong, Jacob Dodson, Simon Laflamme, and Austin Downey, "Transverse Vibration of Clamped-pinned-free Beam With Mass at Free End." Applied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 15, 2019, p. 2996, doi:10.3390/app9152996. PDF link BibTeX

ARTS-Lab, A139B, 300 Main St., Columbia SC, 29208, USA