Lab 04
Matrix Addition
Write a program that creates two matrices of whole numbers and
then adds them!
Lab Solution
- Functionality. (80pts)
- No Syntax, Major Run-Time, or Major Logic Errors.
- *Code that cannot be compiled due to syntax errors is
nonfunctional code and will receive no points for this entire section.
- *Code that cannot be executed or tested due to major
run-time or logic errors is nonfunctional code and will receive no
points for this entire section.
- Only use Arrays to represent the Matrices. (80pts*)
- *Any other data structure such as LinkedLists,
ArrayLists, etc. will result in no points awarded for this entire
- Creating the Matrices. (20pts)
- We assume that our matrices only have only two
dimensions (a 2D Array).
- Users must be able to specify the sizes of each Matrix –
both length and width of both.
- All the above must apply for full credit.
- Populating the Matrices. (20pts)
- Users must be prompted to enter the individual values of
each matrix (called components).
- They must be prompted value’s position (the indices) is
being entered.
- All the above must apply for full credit.
- Adding the Matrices. (20pts)
- The program must check to see if the length and width of
one matrix matches the length and width of the other matrix. If they do
not match, then the user must be prompted with an error message and the
program must exit.
- The program must create a resulting matrix that is the
same length and width.
- The program must add the values component wise and
store the results in the resulting matrix.
- Example. If we assume we have two matrices, A and B,
and a resulting matrix C, then C[0][0] = A[0][0] + B[0][0], C[0][1] =
A[0][1] + B[0][1], etc.
- All the above must apply for full credit.
- Printing the Results. (20pts)
- The contents of both matrices entered by the user and
the contents of the resulting matrix must be shown to the user.
- Components of each should be shown in their appropriate
rows and columns.
- All the above must apply for full credit.
- Coding Style. (10pts)
- Readable Code
- Meaningful identifiers for data and methods.
- Proper indentation that clearly identifies statements
within the body of a class, a method, a branching statement, a loop
statement, etc.
- All the above must apply for full credit.
- Comments. (10pts)
- Your name in the file. (5pts)
- At least 5 meaningful comments in addition to your name.
These must describe the function of the code it is near. (5pts)
Example Dialog:
*The following Example Dialog demonstrates the interactions
between a user and ONE possible implementation of the required software’s
front-end / user interface. The software’s front-end / user interface may
be implemented in MANY different ways and will receive full credit as
long as it meets the most minimal of the above requirements. While you may use
the example dialog as a guide, it is strongly encouraged to create the
front-end / user interface in your own way. *
Welcome to the matrix adder program!
Please enter the length and width of the first matrix
Enter value at index 0 0
Enter value at index 0 1
Enter value at index 1 0
Enter value at index 1 1
Please enter the length and width of the second matrix
Enter value at index 0 0
Enter value at index 0 1
Enter value at index 1 0
Enter value at index 1 1
4 1
8 7
1 3
2 4
5 4
10 11
Solution Tests:
- Is your name written as a comment in all source files?
- Does the solution compile (no syntax errors)?
- If the user creates the following matrices
Does the program output
4 1
8 7
1 3
2 4
5 4
10 11
- If the user creates the following matrices
Does the program output
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
6 8
10 12
- If the user creates the following matrices
Does the program output
Invalid Dimensions. These cannot be
Lab Report
- Create a section named “Problem” and describe this lab’s
problem in your own words. (10pts).
- Create a section named “Solution Description” and describe
how the code solves the problem in your own words. (10pts).
- Create a section named “Problems Encountered” and describe
the various syntax, run-time, and logic errors that were encountered while
implementing the solution. (10pts).
- Draw a flow chart of the solution and include that in the
proposed solution section
- Is it possible to have “ragged” / “jagged” arrays in Java?
- Given the following code snippet, are there any kind of
errors? If so, name the types, where, and how this code can be fixed.
Otherwise, what does this code exactly print to the console?
- Given the following code snippet, are there any kind of
errors? If so, name the types, where, and how this code can be fixed.
Otherwise, what does this code exactly print to the console?
- Given the following code snippet, are there any kind of
errors? If so, name the types, where, and how this code can be fixed.
Otherwise, what does this code exactly print to the console?
- Given the following code snippet, are there any kind of
errors? If so, name the types, where, and how this code can be fixed.
Otherwise, what does this code exactly print to the console?
- Given the following code snippet, are there any kind of
errors? If so, name the types, where, and how this code can be fixed.
Otherwise, what does this code exactly print to the console?
- Upload the source code (.JAVA File Extension) to LabSolution04
- And written lab report (DOC, .DOCX, or .PDF file
extension) to LabReport04
- To Blackboard
- Following these instructions.
- If there are problems, then let the instructor know as
soon as possible.