Homework Redo 00
Due 03/21/2025 by 11:55PM



Earn back points on previous assignments. You may pick ONE from the following options:

·         one Lab Solution and one Lab Report (they do not have to match)

·         two Lab Reports

·         two Lab Solutions

·         one Homework

The new grades will be reflected in the original submission, and not in the Homework Redo submission. Make sure you follow the steps detailed below:


Required Steps:

  1. Complete or improve the quality of a previous assignment or assignments.


  1. Clearly state which assignment or assignments are being submitted.
    1. Either write in the Submission box the name of the assignment. For example, if Lab Solution 12 and Lab Report 14 are submitted, then in the submission box, you would put


Lab Solution 12
Lab Report 14


                        In the submission window, which is the same place where you drag and drop the source code and text documents.


    1. Or create a text file with the name of the assignment and detail which assignment is being submitted. For example, if Lab Solution 12 and Lab Report 14 are submitted, then in the file, whose name is LabSolution12ANDLabReport14.txt, would say:


Lab Solution 12
Lab Report 14


***If neither of these are done, then the submission WILL NOT be graded***



  1. Upload the improved assignment (and the text file if you choose 2B) to the HomeworkRedo00 submission in the Blackboard.





4.      Make sure you have followed all steps carefully.


