Some helpful tutorials and explainations for new computer scientists


  1. Hashing & Hash Tables
  2. Linked List Tutorial
  3. Mathmatical Induction
  4. Working With Pointers
  5. A Short Note on Sorting


  1. Hashing & Hash Tables

    [View Hashing tutorial]
  2. Linked List Tutorial

    An introduction to Linked Lists. A definition of what a linked list is, how it works and elementary linked list functions (the "set and get" functions), singly linked lists are covered. Examples in pseudocode and C++.

    [View the linked list tutorial.]
  3. Mathematical Induction, Elementary Proof

    A short tutorial on Mathematical Induction. This is a method commonly used to prove the validity of equations. It is a very important method in Computer Science.

    [View Mathematical Induction]
  4. Working with Pointers

    An introduction to pointers. Covers declaration, de-refrencing, arithemetic, arrays, and addressing. Geared towards C or C++ users.

    [View Pointer Tutorial.]
  5. A Short Note on Sorting

    A short document on how to apply the sorting algorithms shown on this site to sorting a vector of strings, using strcmp() and stricmp(). This document uses "Bubble Sort" as it's example.

    [View Sorting Strings the easy way]