Now that you have completely described the behavior of our Shifter sub-block in a flowchart view, we should examine the VHDL which is produced. From your Flow Chart, generate the VHDL for the Shifter sub-block.
Since this is your first flow, there is a good chance that you
will encounter an error or two the first time that you try to
generate. If you do encounter errors, go back to the flowchart
view and try to locate and correct them.
Once you have generated the shifter VHDL without errors, click
HDL | View Generated HDL on the menu.
Take a few minutes to examine the code. Notice that the architecture
description for the Shifter does not contain any component declarations
or instantiations. Instead, there is a process block labelled
process0_proc. This process block contains the sequence of statements
which you entered in the Decision Boxes and Action Boxes of
the flowchart. The declarative region of the process block also contains
the declarations of all of the variables that were used in the flowchart
to store intermediate results.
As with the Logical sub-block, just creating the design in FPGA Advantage is not enough, we must also verify that the design was entered correctly and that, if so, it works as intended. To do this, we will once again load the design into ModelSim, manually stimulate the input signals, and then examine the outputs in the Waves window.
First, you will need to compile the Shifter sub-block for
simulation just as we did the Logical sub-block. This can be
accomplished like last time by clicking the ModelSim Flow button
again, . Don't worry about not
finding the "Generate Through Components" option. Click No when
presented with the option of "Enable data capture and show animation?".
This option is not functional since there is no clock signal.
Now we need to test the design. The following table will list
the test vectors which we will use and the expected results. You
will need to create a ModelSim do file for your testing ease,
configure the Waves window, run the do file, and verify the results.
A | ALUOp | ALUOp | ALUOp | SHAMT | Results | ||
(SLL) | (SRL) | (SRA) | SHAMT | SLL | SRL | SRA | |
The above table lists a single test pattern for the input A
which will be tested with several possible shifts. Although not a
completely rigorous testing of the Shifter funcitonality,
it should serve to expose almost any error in your design in the
limited time we have for this tutorial.
One important case has been left out of the test, however, which you
will also need to test. We have tested the right logical and arithmetic
shifts with a vector that, if interpreted as two's complement, is a
a negative number. We have not tested to make sure that the right
shifts will work correctly with a positive number.
Change the test pattern for the input, A, so that the highest
order bit is a '0' instead of a '1'. Run this pattern for several
different shift amounts of both arithmetic and logical right shift
and verify that the behavior is correct.
Now that you have finished testing the Shifter, we will move
on to the next section of our design...