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Creating the Arithmetic Sub-Block

MIPS Integer ALU Arithmetic

Our ALU is required to support four integer arithmetic operations: Signed Addition (ADD), Unsigned Addition(ADDU), Signed Subtraction (SUB), and Unsigned Subtraction (SUBU). For signed operations, the inputs and output will be treated as 32-bit signed twos-complement integers.

Operation ALUOp(1) ALUOp(0)
ADD 0 0
ADDU 0 1
SUB 1 0
SUBU 1 1

We can make use of several properties of signed twos-complement numbers to significantly reduce the hardware requirements of our Aritmetic sub-block without significantly decreasing its speed. In fact, we can implement all four of the necessary operations using a single 32-bit adder!

Let's start by examining the signed vs. unsigned issue. The hardware for adding or subtracting twos-complement signed integers and magnitude representation unsigned integers is actually exactly the same. The only difference comes in determining when Overflow occurs. Overflow is the condition where the result of the operations is either too large or too small to be represented in the alotted number of bits (32). For signed numbers, overflow can only occur when adding two numbers of the same sign or subtracting two numbers of opposite signs. It is indicated for addition by the result having the opposite sign of the inputs and in subtraction by the result having the opposite sign of the first input. In unsigned numbers, and overflow would be indicated by a carry-out from the most significant bit.

A trickier issue is how we can perform both addition and subtraction with just a single 32-bit adder. The answer comes by restating the operation: A - B = A + (-B). We can negate a twos-complement number by inverting the bits and adding one: (-B) = NOT(B) + 1. So, A - B = A + (-B) = A + NOT(B) + 1. By adding and inverter and a multiplexor (to select B or NOT(B)) in front of the B input we can implement A + B or A + NOT(B) easily. To add one, we take advantage of the fact that our adder has a carry-in. By carrying in a '1', we are effectively adding one to the result. This trick also works out for unsigned subtraction.

Building the Arithmetic Sub-Block

To create the Arithmetic sub-block we will need to have a 32-bit adder with carry-in, carry-out, and overflow computation. Instead of going through the process of building this from scratch, we will be using an adder which has already been designed and instantiating it as a Component in our design.

You have already seen that the blue colored sub-blocks which you have placed in the ALU block diagram generate entity declarations with corresponding architectures created from their views which are then instantiated in the ALU architecture as components. In FPGA Advantage, however, these sub-blocks are not referred to as components because you cannot instantiate them in another design as they are; they are tied to one instance in one design. A sub-block can, however, be converted into a FPGA Advantage component, represented by a green colored box. They are essentially the same except for the fact that a component can be accessed from other design units to be instantiated.

Components allow for the creation of design libraries of commonly used objects which can be instantiated in new designs. I have created a 32-bit adder component and placed it in the CSELib library, which holds public design components that we will be using.

It is not necessary for a library to be open in the Design Manager in order to instantiate a component from it. In order to see what is in the library, though, click on the Project tab on the bottom of the Design Manager. Within that window, double-click on the CSELib under Protected Libraries. Design Explorer will now open up the CSELib so that you may browse it. Expand the design tree in the source window to see a single design unit, in green, called add32 with a symbol, an VHDL Entity and VHDL Architecture view called add32. The Design Manager window will look like the figure below:

Now that we know what's in the CSELib library, we can get started designing the Arithmetic unit. Go back to your ALU design by clicking on the tab below and opening the design. Once you have done this, create a new block diagram view for the Arithmetic sub-block by double-clicking on the sub-block and selecting Block Diagram from the window that opens. Click Next and then Finish. This will bring up the block diagram with ports seen in the figure below:

Now we wish to instantiate an add32 component. Activate the Add Component tool by selecting the button, , from the toolbar. This will bring up the Component Browser window which will allow you to select which component to instantiate.

Click the Add Library button, , then select the CSELib library and click OK.

You will then see a list of the components in this library. Drag and drop the add32 component into your design.

You will now see a message box pop up asking whether you wish to add packages to your design. This is a VHDL package which is used in the adder. Respond yes to move on.

In addition to the ADD32 component, there are several other tasks which need to be accomplished: selecting B or NOT(B) and deciding whether to carry-in a '1' to configure for addition or subtraction; deciding whether or not to compute overflow; and calculating Zero which is high whenever the result is equal to zero and low otherwise.

These tasks will be implemented using Embedded Blocks just like in the Logical sub-block. We need to place

After adding these blocks your block diagram should look like the figure below:

Now that the embedded blocks and the add32 component have been placed on the block diagram, connect the input and output ports and create the necessary internal signals so that the block diagram resembles the figure below:

The final step, after all signals are connected properly is to define the behavior of the embedded blocks. Two of the three blocks will have a behavior of text where as the Overflow block will encorporate a truth table. Double-click on the embedded blocks and set their associated behavior. The embedded block behaviors are as follows:

Your arithmetic sub-block should now resemble the figure below:

Simulating the Arithmetic Sub-Block

Before we attempt to compile and simulate the Arithmetic Sub-Block we must make a change to FPGA Advantage. Currently the downstream, or temporary working directory that FPGA Advantage and ModelSim use to place compiled files, is set to the default directory in the CSElib library mapping /usr/local/3rdparty/csce611CSElib/work. However, since students do not have write access to this directory FPGA Advantage will not be able to compile the add32 component. To change the downstream mapping, go to the Design Manager window and select the Project tab the bottom. Your window will look something similar to the figure below:

You may have to select the plus symbol next to CSElib to expand the tree of library mappings and then select the plus symbol next to Downstream to show the current Downstream mapping for ModelSim. Right-click on Downstream and select "Add Downstream mapping...". You may see the following window. If so, click "Yes".

You will then see the following window. Select "Modelsim", then use the path as shown, but substitute "username" with yours:

Note: Unfortunately, this directory needs to be manually created in order for any components in the Protected Library to be compiled. Please remember to recreate this directory if you continue your work on a different PC. Here is a simple command to create your required downstream mapping:

       mkdir -p /work/username/CSELib/work

Don't forget to change "username" to yours.

Your Design Manager should now look like this:

Now that we have designed the Arithmetic sub-block, we must of course verify that it is functioning correctly. Since we are once again dealing with a fairly small design unit, we will test it by directly stimulating the signals in the simulator and observing the results in the Waves window.

You will need to create a simulation macro file (do file) which will run at least one set of vectors to test each possible outcome of each operation:

You may find it helpful when trying to create your test vectors to use a calculator. Most calculator programs allows you to convert between decimal and signed twos-complement binary representations of numbers.

Create and run your test macro to confirm the function of your Arithmetic unit. Comment your macro file to indicate the decimal equivalents of the test vectors as well as the expected values of ArithmeticR, Zero, and Overflow.

When you have finished, you are ready to go on to..

Implementing the Comparison Sub-Block.