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Completing the ALU Block Diagram with the Mux

All that remains to do to complete the ALU block diagram is to specify the Mux4Bus32 sub-block. In the Logical sub-block, we accomplished this by placing an embedded block with a VHDL statement to multiplex the signals. For this sub-block, we will use similar VHDL statement, only we will enter it directly as a text VHDL Architecture description.

Open the ALU block diagram and double-click on the Mux4Bus32 sub-block. From the window which appears select VHDL File from the left pane. The right pane will appear with two file types, select VHDL Combined and click Next. Enter behav as the name of the view and click Finish.

This will bring up a VHDL Editor with the skeleton VHDL Architecture declaration seen in the diagram below:

Now, just as in the embedded block, we will be using a conditional assignment statement to infer the multiplexor. The conditional assignment statment has the syntax:

	TargetSignal <= SourceSignalA when (ConditionA) else 
			SourceSignalB when (ConditionB) else

In this case, the target signal is R and there are four source signals: LogicalR when ALUOp(3 DOWNTO 2) is "00"; ArithmeticR when ALUOp(3 DOWNTO 2) is "01"; ComparisonR when ALUOp(3 DOWNTO 2) is "10"; and ShifterR otherwise (when ALUOp(3 DOWNTO 2) is "11").

The conditional signal assigment statement can be a concurrent statement, meaning it can be at the top level of an architecture outside of any processes. Since this is the only statement necessary to describe the funcionality of the Mux4B64 sub-block, the VHDL Architecture should look something like Figure 2. Note that if you are assigning the value of one std_logic_vector to another of the same size (R and LogicalR for example) then you can omit the slice information.

Once you have entered the text properly, save the file and exit the VHDL Editor. You can now proceed to...

Creating a TestBench to Verify Your Completed ALU.