FALL 2022

Robotics Applications and Design

**Note: Announcements, homeworks, project assignments and grades will be avaible on Dropbox.

Course Description

This course aims at introducing robotics from a computing perspective. After an overview of different types of robots, sensors, and locomotion, algorithms for robotic perception, planning, navigation, localization, and manipulation are presented. The students will have the chance to implement some of the concepts seen in the class on a mobile robot (Duckiebot). The instructor would draw from his experiences in robotic research to enrich the material with aspects of active research problems, such as: multi-robot exploration for search and rescue; environmental coral reef monitoring using underwater robots; etc.

Course Information


  • Time: TTH 4:25pm - 5:40pm
  • Location: SWGN 2A14
  • Lab: SWGN 1D49


Ibrahim Salman
  • Email: IJSALMAN@email.sc.edu
  • Office: Storey Innovation Center 1201

Teaching Assistants

Ross Vicario
  • Email: RVICARIO@email.sc.edu
  • Office: Swearingen Engineering Center 1D49
Valerie Duffey
  • Email: VDUFFEY@email.sc.edu
  • Office: Swearingen Engineering Center 1D49


Computer Lab Access



Topic Readings
Introduction Chapter 1
History of Robotics Chapter 2
Robot Components Chapter 3
Effectors & Actuators Chapter 4
Locomotion Chapter 5
Control Architectures Chapter 11
Deliberative Control Chapter 13
Reactive Control Chapter 14
Hybrid Control Chapter 15
Controllers Slides



Homework Deadline
HW1 08/23/2022
LAB1 09/05/2022
LAB2 09/22/2022
LAB3 (optional) 10/17/2022
HW2 10/17/2022
LAB4 11/17/2022
HW3 11/28/2022
HW4 12/02/2022


Project Deadline
Project 1 09/19/2022
Project 2 10/03/2022
Project 3 11/14/2022
Project 4 12/02/2022


Exam Date Resources
Midterm 10/18/2022 Question samples
Final 12/08/2022 - 4:00pm Question samples