27 |
J. Lin, A. Mondal, R. Liu and J. Hu. Minimalist Ensemble Algorithms for Genome-wide Protein Localization Prediction. BMC Bioinformatics, 13:157, 2012
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A. Mondal and J. Hu, Network Based Prediction of Protein Localization Using Diffusion Kernel.. Int. Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics. 2012 (in press)
25 |
R. Liu and J. Hu, Computational Prediction of Heme-Binding Residues by Exploiting Residue Interaction Network. PLoS ONE 6(10): e25560., 2011
24 |
R. Liu and J. Hu, HemeBIND: a novel method for heme binding residue prediction by combining structural and sequence information., BMC Bioinformatics, 2011, 12:207
23 |
E. Atilgan and J. Hu, Improving Protein Docking Using Sustainable Genetic Algorithms. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management (IJCISIM), Vol 3, 2011
22 |
R. Liu and J. Hu, Prediction of discontinuous B-cell epitopes using logistic regression and structural information”, Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 4: 010-015, 2011
21 |
J. Hu and J. Xu, Density based Pruning for Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes., BMC Genomics, 11(2):S3, 2010
20 |
J. Hu and Fan Zhang, "BayesMotif: De novo Protein Sorting Motif Discovery from Impure Datasets. BMC Bioinformatics, 11(Suppl 1):S66, 2010
19 |
H. Chen, G. Pimienta, Y. Gu, X. Sun, J. Hu, M. K. Chaerkady, M. Gucek, R. Cole, S. Sukumar, A. Pandey, Proteomic characterization of Her2/neu-overexpressing breast cancer cells. PROTEOMICS, 10, 3800–3810, 2010
18 |
HO. Gonzalez, J. Hu, KM. Gaworecki, JA. Roling, WS. Baldwin, Gardea-Torresdey JL, Bain LJ. Dose-responsive gene expression changes in juvenile and adult mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) after arsenic exposure, Mar Environ Res, 70(2): 133-141. 2010
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H. Luo, R. Benner, R. A. Long, J. Hu, "Subcellular Localization of Marine Bacterial Alkaline Phosphatases " Proceeding of National Academy of Science (PNAS), November 19, 2009
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Liu CC, Hu J, Kalakrishnan M, Huang H, Zhou XJ " Integrative Disease Classification Based on Cross-platform Microarray Data. ",
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J. Hu, E. D. Goodman, and R. C. Rosenberg, " Automated
Synthesis of Mechanical Vibration Absorbers Using Genetic Programming",
Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing. 22(3), 2008 , Special Issue on Genetic programming for human-competitive design
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J. Hu, Haifeng Li, Michael S Waterman, and Xianghong
Jasmine Zhou. Integrative missing value estimation for microarray data.
BMC Bioinformatics. 7: 449., 2006.
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J. Hu, Yifeng David Yang and Daisuke Kihara, "EMD: an
Ensemble Algorithm for discovering regulatory motifs in DNA sequences",
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J. Hu, Bin Li, and Daisuke Kihara, "Limitations and
Potentials of Current Motif Discovery Algorithms", Nucleic Acid Research,
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11 |
Fei Pan, Kiran Kamath, Kangyu Zhang, Sudip Pulapura, Avinash
Achar, Juan Nunez-Iglesias, Yu Huang, Xifeng Yan, Jiawei Han, Haiyan Hu, Min
Xu, J. Hu, Xianghong Jasmine Zhou. K. Kamath et. al. Integrative
Array Analyzer: a software package for analysis of cross-platform and
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10 |
S. Li, X. Chen and J. Hu. Study on Sustainable Evolutionary
Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Search. China Mechanical Engineering
(Chinese), 7(11), 2006. |
8 |
J. Hu, E. Goodman, K.Seo, Z. Fan, R. Rosenberg, "The
Hierarchical Fair Competition (HFC) Framework for Sustainable Evolutionary
Algorithms", Evolutionary Computation, 13 (2), MIT Press, 2005.
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J. Hu, E. Goodman, R. Rosenberg, "Topologically
Open-Ended Synthesis of Dynamic Systems with High Robustness Using Genetic
Programming: a Case Study of Analog Filter Synthesis", IEEE Transaction
on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press, 2005. (accepted) |
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Z. Fan, K. Seo, J. Hu, E. Goodman, R. Rosenberg, "A
Novel Evolutionary Engineering Design Approach for Mixed-Domain Systems,"
Journal of Engineering Optimization, Volume 36, Number 2, 2004.
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K. Seo, Z. Fan, J. Hu, E. D. Goodman, and R. C. Rosenberg,
"Toward an Automated Design Method for Multi-Domain Dynamic Systems Using
Bond Graphs and Genetic Programming," Mechatronics , 13, (8-9), pp. 851-885,
2003. |
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K. Seo, J. Hu, Z. Fan, E. D. Goodman, and R. C. Rosenberg.
Automated Design Approaches for Multi-Domain Dynamic Systems Using Bond
Graphs and Genetic Programming," The International Journal of Computers,
Systems and Signals, vol.3, no.1, pp.55-70, 2002.
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S. Li, J. Hu, Q. Xie and H. Zhang. Automated Design of
Mechtronic Systems based on Genetic Programming and Bond Graphs. Journal of
System Simulation (Chinese), 14 (11): 1513-1516, 2002 |
2 |
J. Hu, Shuchun Wang, "An Overview of Computational
Intelligence Solutions to Intelligent Manufacturing Problems", Journal of
China Mechanical Engineering (Chinese). No.1., 1999. |
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J. Hu, Zhongfu. Zhang, "Weight Inducement and Hierarchical
Training Algorithm of BP Neural Network", Journal of Computer Science
(Chinese), No. 1, 1998. |
6 |
J. Hu, Zhun Fan, Jiachuan Wang, Shaobo Li, Kisung Seo, Xiangdong Peng, Janis Terpenny, Ronald Rosenberg, and Erik Goodman, GPBG: A Framework for Evolutionary Design of Multi-domain Engineering Systems Using Genetic Programming and Bond Graphs”. In Evolution by Design – Advances in Evolutionary Design. P. F. Hingston et. al. (ed.) Springer publisher, 2008.
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J. Hu, S. Li & E. Goodman. Evolutionary Robust Design of Analog Filters using Genetic Programming,” in Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments, Kacprzyk, J. (ed.), Springer, pp. 479-496, 2007 |
4 |
J. Hu, E. Goodman, “Domain Specificity of Genetic Programming
based Automated Synthesis: a Case Study with Synthesis of Mechanical
Vibration Absorbers”, in Genetic Programming Theory and Practice. Rick Riolo
and Bill Worzel (eds.). Kluwer Publishers, Boston, MA. 2005. |
3 |
J. Hu, E. Goodman. Evolving robust dynamic systems with
genetic programming. In Genetic Programming Theory and Practice. Rick Riolo
and Bill Worzel (eds.). Kluwer Publishers, Boston, MA. 2004. |
2 |
J. Hu, K. Seo, E. Goodman, R. Rosenberg. Toward efficient
topological synthesis of dynamic systems using bond graphs and genetic
programming. Nadia Nedjah. (eds). Evolutionary Machine Design: Methodology
and Applications. Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA, 2004. |
1 |
J. Hu, E. Goodman and K. Seo. Continuous Hierarchical Fair
Competition Model for Sustainable Innovation in Genetic programming. In
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice. Rick Riolo and Bill Worzel (eds.).
Kluwer Publishers, Boston, MA. 2003. |
20 |
A. Mondal and J. Hu, "Protein Localization by Integrating Multiple Protein Correlation Networks", Proceeding of 2012 International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP12), 2012
19 |
A. Mondal and J. Hu, Network Based subcellular prediction for multi-label proteins”. The 4th Workshop on Biomolecular Network Analysis (IWBNA 2011)
18 |
A. Mondal and J. Hu, "NetLoc: Network Based Protein Localization Prediction Using Protein-Protein Interaction and Co-expression Networks", Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM2010)
17 |
E. Atilgan and J. Hu, Efficient Protein-Ligand Docking Using Sustainable Evolutionary Algorithms, Proceeding of the 10th Int. Conference on hybrid intelligence (HIS2010), Atlanta, GA. USA, 2010
16 |
F. Zhang and J. Hu, Bioinformatics Analysis of Physichemical Properties of Protein sorting Signals, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology BiCoB2010. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010
15 |
F. Zhang and J. Hu, "Bayesian Classifier for Anchored Protein Sorting Discovery", Proceeding of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM09: Nov1-4 2009, USA).
14 |
J. Xu and J. Hu, "Improved Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes Using Pareto Gene Pruning", Proceeding of 2009 International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP'09: July 13-16, 2009, USA)
13 |
J. Hu, F. Zhang, " Improving Protein Localization Prediction Using Amino Acid Group Based Physichemical Encoding",
1st int. conf. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB2009)
12 |
J. Hu, X. Zhong, E. Goodman, “Open-ended Robust Design of
Analog filters Using Genetic Programming”, Proc. Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference. (Best paper nominee), 2005
11 |
J. Hu, E. Goodman, “Robust and Efficient Genetic Algorithms
with Hierarchical Niching and Sustainable Evolutionary Computation Model”, Proc.Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference.2004
10 |
J. Hu, E. Goodman, “Wireless Access Point Configuration by
Genetic Programming”, Proc. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)
9 |
J. Hu, E. Goodman, and R. Rosenberg, “Topological search in
automated mechatronic system synthesis using bond graphs and genetic
programming”, Proc. of American Control Conference (ACC), 2004.
8 |
J. Hu, K. Seo, Z. Fan, R. Rosenberg, and E. Goodman, " HEMO: A
Sustainable Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization Framework", Proc. 2003
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Chicago, Springer, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, July, pp. 1029-1040, 2003
7 |
Z. Fan, K. Seo, J. Hu, R. Rosenberg, and E. Goodman, "
System-Level Synthesis of MEMS via Genetic Programming and Bond Graphs",
Proc. 2003 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Chicago,
Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, July, pp. 2058-2071, 2003.
6 |
K. Seo, Z. Fan, J. Hu, E. Goodman, and R. Rosenberg,
"Dense and Switched Modular Primitives for Bond Graph Model Design," Proc.
2003 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Chicago, Springer,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, July, pp. 1764-1775., 2003
5 |
J. Hu, E. D. Goodman, K. Seo, M. Pei, "Adaptive
Hierarchical Fair Competition (AHFC) Model for Parallel Evolutionary
Algorithms," Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference, GECCO-2002, New York, July, pp. 772-779., 2002.
4 |
J. Hu, K. Seo, S. Li, Z. Fan, R. C. Rosenberg, E. D.
Goodman, "Structure Fitness Sharing (SFS) for Evolutionary Design by Genetic
Programming," Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference, GECCO-2002, New York, pp. 780-787. , 2002.
3 |
Z. Fan, K. Seo, R. C. Rosenberg, J. Hu, E. D. Goodman,
"Exploring Multiple Design Topologies using Genetic Programming and Bond
Graphs", Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference,
GECCO-2002, New York, July, pp. 1073-1080, 2002
2 |
J. Hu, E. D. Goodman, "Hierarchical Fair Competition Model
for Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms," Proceedings, Congress on Evolutionary
Computation, CEC 2002, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence,
Honolulu, Hawaii, May, 2002. |
1 |
Z. Fan, J. Hu, K. Seo, E. D. Goodman, R. C. Rosenberg, and
B. Zhang, "Bond Graph Representation and GP for Automated Analog Filter
Design," 2001 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Late-Breaking
Papers, E. Goodman, ed., ISGEC Press, San Francisco, pp. 81-86., 2001.
4 |
J. Hu, E. D. Goodman, K. Seo, Z. Fan, R. C. Rosenberg,
"HFC: A Continuing EA Framework for Scalable Evolutionary Synthesis",
Proceedings of the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium - Computational Synthesis:
From Basic Building Blocks to High Level Functionality, Stanford,
California, March, 24-26, pp. 106-113, 2003 |
3 |
Z. Fan, K. Seo, R. C. Rosenberg, J. Hu, E. D. Goodman,
"Computational Synthesis of Multi-Domain Systems", Proceedings of the 2003
AAAI Spring Symposium - Computational Synthesis: From Basic Building Blocks
to High Level Functionality, Stanford, California, March, 24-26, pp. 59-66,
2003 |
2 |
E. D. Goodman, K. Seo, Z. Fan, J. Hu, R. C. Rosenberg,
"Automated Design of Mechatronic Systems: Novel Search Methods and Modular
Primitives to Enable Real-World Applications," 2003 NSF Design, Service and
Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, January 6-9, Birmingham,
Alabama, 2003 |
1 |
E. D. Goodman, K. Seo, R. C. Rosenberg, Z. Fan, J. Hu,
and B. Zhang, "Automated Design Methodology for Mechatronic Systems Using
Bond Graphs and Genetic Programming," 2002 NSF Design, Service and
Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, January 7-10, San Juan,
Puerto Rico, 2002 |