Lab 07

Fruit Tree



Write a program which creates a binary search tree of different fruit from a file.


Lab Solution



Type: <<type >> Weight: <<weight >>

Where values in “<<>>” correspond to variable values.

<<Fruit Type>> \t <<weight>> \n



Example Output:

Welcome to the fruit tree!

Please enter a Fruit File Name


Populating tree file

Printing the in-order traversal

Banana 0.006167454282033358

Orange 0.07967274292009441

Banana 0.09413408636637421

Apple 0.12049892596510792

Apple 0.24516328879201021

Kiwi 0.27100642727895363

Apple 0.30978149002689526

Apple 0.3216606460346705

Tomato 0.3259901339116539

Banana 0.3572110962871161

Kiwi 0.45564459240483524

Apple 0.4859853412170728

Apple 0.603296674503539

Apple 0.6205068678131825

Orange 0.7370861566279563

Banana 0.8249611080979419

Tomato 0.9136235636337187

Kiwi 0.9482193843337194

Tomato 0.9570475745762608

Orange 0.9621352335043648

Tomato 0.9906677529489888

Apple 1.0097048804700366

Kiwi 1.0340475191748726

Banana 1.2295130239577738

Apple 1.2596977062097159

Orange 1.415314546041357

Kiwi 1.5426974863764342

Kiwi 1.5877722583775062

Apple 1.6104335196184982

Banana 1.6365611326426943

Orange 1.6425177539231268

Banana 1.703457163967561

Tomato 1.7502849810509313

Apple 1.9202813393056317

Orange 1.9226762091089729

Orange 1.9579096081143628

Banana 1.9974965504311042

Kiwi 2.011793621529901

Kiwi 2.213939203129497

Tomato 2.287438968525538

Tomato 2.310589336413322

Apple 2.3859195693200412

Banana 2.4012979272659667

Kiwi 2.408573828682015

Banana 2.465349052236099

Orange 2.517329931945071

Orange 2.5568387709811633

Banana 2.5591805544621793

Apple 2.7092949536458164

Apple 2.7179760646130386

Banana 2.7429004129169074

Orange 2.757644307430845

Orange 2.780001649154491

Kiwi 2.7912885879702385

Apple 2.873673933472279

Banana 2.883294535298652

Apple 2.901424898527876

Orange 3.02213500791712

Kiwi 3.130265580641745

Banana 3.1508667661022742

Banana 3.21651584121321

Banana 3.2250175222146633

Banana 3.2401966619579925

Apple 3.3261168784899335

Apple 3.4067654081096292

Kiwi 3.4113369395371054

Kiwi 3.421597330474709

Banana 3.4720359583562126

Tomato 3.497931384921258

Apple 3.514259115351504

Orange 3.545459485746505

Banana 3.615339037449382

Banana 3.6494527648643906

Kiwi 3.6566367557127104

Tomato 3.6568222763434206

Banana 3.714749888189644

Tomato 3.826549862259843

Tomato 3.91505462517807

Kiwi 3.9629238331885324

Kiwi 3.9930885812782018

Orange 4.153591707921256

Tomato 4.272392839694168

Orange 4.36635444379318

Apple 4.391919428583659

Apple 4.393777226918403

Banana 4.433034496372054

Tomato 4.526667348325462

Banana 4.53176969188548

Kiwi 4.540499450437838

Tomato 4.546460476028497

Orange 4.625294775272419

Apple 4.658519644572135

Apple 4.689654965283379

Apple 4.743952143832523

Tomato 4.847156403059746

Banana 4.849541488248527

Kiwi 4.859249812594946

Tomato 4.915155758224849

Banana 4.966555043577987

Kiwi 4.969338821021524


Printing the pre-order traversal

Apple 0.4859853412170728

Apple 0.30978149002689526

Orange 0.07967274292009441

Banana 0.006167454282033358

Banana 0.09413408636637421

Apple 0.12049892596510792

Apple 0.24516328879201021

Kiwi 0.27100642727895363

Kiwi 0.45564459240483524

Apple 0.3216606460346705

Tomato 0.3259901339116539

Banana 0.3572110962871161

Apple 4.658519644572135

Orange 2.757644307430845

Tomato 0.9570475745762608

Tomato 0.9136235636337187

Banana 0.8249611080979419

Apple 0.6205068678131825

Apple 0.603296674503539

Orange 0.7370861566279563

Kiwi 0.9482193843337194

Banana 1.6365611326426943

Kiwi 1.0340475191748726

Apple 1.0097048804700366

Tomato 0.9906677529489888

Orange 0.9621352335043648

Kiwi 1.5877722583775062

Banana 1.2295130239577738

Apple 1.2596977062097159

Kiwi 1.5426974863764342

Orange 1.415314546041357

Apple 1.6104335196184982

Banana 1.703457163967561

Orange 1.6425177539231268

Tomato 2.287438968525538

Kiwi 2.213939203129497

Kiwi 2.011793621529901

Apple 1.9202813393056317

Tomato 1.7502849810509313

Orange 1.9579096081143628

Orange 1.9226762091089729

Banana 1.9974965504311042

Kiwi 2.408573828682015

Tomato 2.310589336413322

Banana 2.4012979272659667

Apple 2.3859195693200412

Orange 2.517329931945071

Banana 2.465349052236099

Apple 2.7092949536458164

Banana 2.5591805544621793

Orange 2.5568387709811633

Apple 2.7179760646130386

Banana 2.7429004129169074

Orange 4.36635444379318

Tomato 4.272392839694168

Tomato 3.91505462517807

Banana 3.2250175222146633

Kiwi 2.7912885879702385

Orange 2.780001649154491

Banana 3.1508667661022742

Apple 2.901424898527876

Apple 2.873673933472279

Banana 2.883294535298652

Orange 3.02213500791712

Kiwi 3.130265580641745

Banana 3.21651584121321

Apple 3.514259115351504

Tomato 3.497931384921258

Kiwi 3.4113369395371054

Apple 3.3261168784899335

Banana 3.2401966619579925

Apple 3.4067654081096292

Banana 3.4720359583562126

Kiwi 3.421597330474709

Orange 3.545459485746505

Banana 3.714749888189644

Kiwi 3.6566367557127104

Banana 3.6494527648643906

Banana 3.615339037449382

Tomato 3.6568222763434206

Tomato 3.826549862259843

Orange 4.153591707921256

Kiwi 3.9629238331885324

Kiwi 3.9930885812782018

Tomato 4.526667348325462

Apple 4.393777226918403

Apple 4.391919428583659

Banana 4.433034496372054

Tomato 4.546460476028497

Banana 4.53176969188548

Kiwi 4.540499450437838

Orange 4.625294775272419

Tomato 4.847156403059746

Apple 4.689654965283379

Apple 4.743952143832523

Banana 4.849541488248527

Tomato 4.915155758224849

Kiwi 4.859249812594946

Banana 4.966555043577987

Kiwi 4.969338821021524


Printing the post-order traversal

Banana 0.006167454282033358

Kiwi 0.27100642727895363

Apple 0.24516328879201021

Apple 0.12049892596510792

Banana 0.09413408636637421

Orange 0.07967274292009441

Banana 0.3572110962871161

Tomato 0.3259901339116539

Apple 0.3216606460346705

Kiwi 0.45564459240483524

Apple 0.30978149002689526

Apple 0.603296674503539

Orange 0.7370861566279563

Apple 0.6205068678131825

Banana 0.8249611080979419

Kiwi 0.9482193843337194

Tomato 0.9136235636337187

Orange 0.9621352335043648

Tomato 0.9906677529489888

Apple 1.0097048804700366

Orange 1.415314546041357

Kiwi 1.5426974863764342

Apple 1.2596977062097159

Banana 1.2295130239577738

Apple 1.6104335196184982

Kiwi 1.5877722583775062

Kiwi 1.0340475191748726

Orange 1.6425177539231268

Tomato 1.7502849810509313

Orange 1.9226762091089729

Banana 1.9974965504311042

Orange 1.9579096081143628

Apple 1.9202813393056317

Kiwi 2.011793621529901

Kiwi 2.213939203129497

Apple 2.3859195693200412

Banana 2.4012979272659667

Tomato 2.310589336413322

Banana 2.465349052236099

Orange 2.5568387709811633

Banana 2.5591805544621793

Banana 2.7429004129169074

Apple 2.7179760646130386

Apple 2.7092949536458164

Orange 2.517329931945071

Kiwi 2.408573828682015

Tomato 2.287438968525538

Banana 1.703457163967561

Banana 1.6365611326426943

Tomato 0.9570475745762608

Orange 2.780001649154491

Banana 2.883294535298652

Apple 2.873673933472279

Kiwi 3.130265580641745

Orange 3.02213500791712

Apple 2.901424898527876

Banana 3.21651584121321

Banana 3.1508667661022742

Kiwi 2.7912885879702385

Banana 3.2401966619579925

Apple 3.4067654081096292

Apple 3.3261168784899335

Kiwi 3.421597330474709

Banana 3.4720359583562126

Kiwi 3.4113369395371054

Tomato 3.497931384921258

Banana 3.615339037449382

Banana 3.6494527648643906

Tomato 3.6568222763434206

Kiwi 3.6566367557127104

Tomato 3.826549862259843

Banana 3.714749888189644

Orange 3.545459485746505

Apple 3.514259115351504

Banana 3.2250175222146633

Kiwi 3.9930885812782018

Kiwi 3.9629238331885324

Orange 4.153591707921256

Tomato 3.91505462517807

Tomato 4.272392839694168

Apple 4.391919428583659

Banana 4.433034496372054

Apple 4.393777226918403

Kiwi 4.540499450437838

Banana 4.53176969188548

Orange 4.625294775272419

Tomato 4.546460476028497

Tomato 4.526667348325462

Orange 4.36635444379318

Orange 2.757644307430845

Apple 4.743952143832523

Apple 4.689654965283379

Kiwi 4.859249812594946

Kiwi 4.969338821021524

Banana 4.966555043577987

Tomato 4.915155758224849

Banana 4.849541488248527

Tomato 4.847156403059746

Apple 4.658519644572135

Apple 0.4859853412170728


Deleting Apple    0.4859853412170728

Printing in-order traversal

Banana 0.006167454282033358

Orange 0.07967274292009441

Banana 0.09413408636637421

Apple 0.12049892596510792

Apple 0.24516328879201021

Kiwi 0.27100642727895363

Apple 0.30978149002689526

Apple 0.3216606460346705

Tomato 0.3259901339116539

Banana 0.3572110962871161

Kiwi 0.45564459240483524

Apple 0.603296674503539

Apple 0.6205068678131825

Orange 0.7370861566279563

Banana 0.8249611080979419

Tomato 0.9136235636337187

Kiwi 0.9482193843337194

Tomato 0.9570475745762608

Orange 0.9621352335043648

Tomato 0.9906677529489888

Apple 1.0097048804700366

Kiwi 1.0340475191748726

Banana 1.2295130239577738

Apple 1.2596977062097159

Orange 1.415314546041357

Kiwi 1.5426974863764342

Kiwi 1.5877722583775062

Apple 1.6104335196184982

Banana 1.6365611326426943

Orange 1.6425177539231268

Banana 1.703457163967561

Tomato 1.7502849810509313

Apple 1.9202813393056317

Orange 1.9226762091089729

Orange 1.9579096081143628

Banana 1.9974965504311042

Kiwi 2.011793621529901

Kiwi 2.213939203129497

Tomato 2.287438968525538

Tomato 2.310589336413322

Apple 2.3859195693200412

Banana 2.4012979272659667

Kiwi 2.408573828682015

Banana 2.465349052236099

Orange 2.517329931945071

Orange 2.5568387709811633

Banana 2.5591805544621793

Apple 2.7092949536458164

Apple 2.7179760646130386

Banana 2.7429004129169074

Orange 2.757644307430845

Orange 2.780001649154491

Kiwi 2.7912885879702385

Apple 2.873673933472279

Banana 2.883294535298652

Apple 2.901424898527876

Orange 3.02213500791712

Kiwi 3.130265580641745

Banana 3.1508667661022742

Banana 3.21651584121321

Banana 3.2250175222146633

Banana 3.2401966619579925

Apple 3.3261168784899335

Apple 3.4067654081096292

Kiwi 3.4113369395371054

Kiwi 3.421597330474709

Banana 3.4720359583562126

Tomato 3.497931384921258

Apple 3.514259115351504

Orange 3.545459485746505

Banana 3.615339037449382

Banana 3.6494527648643906

Kiwi 3.6566367557127104

Tomato 3.6568222763434206

Banana 3.714749888189644

Tomato 3.826549862259843

Tomato 3.91505462517807

Kiwi 3.9629238331885324

Kiwi 3.9930885812782018

Orange 4.153591707921256

Tomato 4.272392839694168

Orange 4.36635444379318

Apple 4.391919428583659

Apple 4.393777226918403

Banana 4.433034496372054

Tomato 4.526667348325462

Banana 4.53176969188548

Kiwi 4.540499450437838

Tomato 4.546460476028497

Orange 4.625294775272419

Apple 4.658519644572135

Apple 4.689654965283379

Apple 4.743952143832523

Tomato 4.847156403059746

Banana 4.849541488248527

Kiwi 4.859249812594946

Tomato 4.915155758224849

Banana 4.966555043577987

Kiwi 4.969338821021524


Solution Tests:

  1. Is your name written as a comment in all source files?
  2. Does the solution compile (no syntax errors)?
  3. Provided similar input as seen in the example dialog, does the program create similar results?


Lab Report

  1. Create a section named “Problem” and describe this lab’s problem in your own words. (10pts).
  2. Create a section named “Solution Description” and describe how the code solves the problem in your own words. (10pts).
  3. Create a section named “Problems Encountered” and describe the various syntax, run-time, and logic errors that were encountered while implementing the solution. (10pts)
  4. Describe the difference between a self-balancing tree and a non-self-balancing tree. (10pts)
  5. What is the Big O time complexity for searching in a balanced binary search tree?
  6. What is the Big O time complexity for searching in a non-balanced binary search tree? (10pts)
  7. Using the tree below, draw the resulting binary search tree after the following operations. You may assume this is not a self-balancing tree, and the remove method must use the minimum value in the larger subtree as demonstrated in lecture. (10pts)





ADD 13




  1. Using the tree below, draw the resulting binary search tree after the following operations. You may assume this is not a self-balancing tree, and the remove method must use the minimum value in the larger subtree as demonstrated in lecture. (10pts)


ADD 63

ADD 64



ADD 13



  1. Using the tree in Question 8 clearly indicate its pre-order, in-order, and post-order traversals. Assume the tree is the one before the operations are applied. (10pts)
  2. Given the code snippet below, the method “findSum” adds together all values within the binary search tree and returns the total sum. Does this method work as described and if so, what is the resulting value if we use the tree from Question 7? If the method does not work as described, then detail all syntax, run-time, and logic errors and how they may be fixed. (10pts)




Upload the Lab Solution’s source code (.JAVA file(s)) and the Lab Report’s text file to the CSCE Dropbox.