Lab 00

Just Follow the Instructions




Implement bubble sort for an array of integers by following the instructions.


Lab Solution



Just follow the instructions exactly to implement bubble sort of an array of integers (100pts).
























Solution Tests


  1. Does the given input <10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1> give the following output <1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10>?
  2. Does the given input <1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10> give the following output <1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10>?
  3. Does the given input <180, 300, 256, 360, 512, 365, 7, 42, 9, 12> give the following output <7, 9, 12, 42, 180, 256, 300, 360, 365, 512>?


Lab Report


  1. Describe how the course grade is calculated. Make sure to include assignment types and their percentages. (10pts)
  2. Where are all assignments submitted and where are the grades + feedback for assignments found? (10pts)
  3. What is the policy regarding,
    1. Late work?
    2. Make-up work?
    3. Regrade requests? (10pts)
  4. True or False. All assignments must be completed individually. (10pts)
  5. For programming assignments, what must be submitted to the CSCE Dropbox and what is its file extension? (10pts)
  6. In the Java Programming Language, when a source code is compiled using the Java Compiler, is it compile to machine code or byte code? (10pts)
  7. Looking at the below code snippet, is this code error free and if so, what will it print to the console? If the code does have errors, then describe all syntax, run-time, and logic errors and how they may be fixed. (10pts)

  1. Looking at the below code snippet, is this code error free and if so, what will it print to the console? If the code does have errors, then describe all syntax, run-time, and logic errors and how they may be fixed. (10pts)

  1. Looking at the below code snippet, is this code error free and if so, what will it print to the console? If the code does have errors, then describe all syntax, run-time, and logic errors and how they may be fixed. (10pts)

  1. Looking at the below code snippet, is this code error free and if so, what will it print to the console? If the code does have errors, then describe all syntax, run-time, and logic errors and how they may be fixed. (10pts)

