Car 20000 Boat 50000 Moose 1000 Goat 200 Shredded wheat 2 Cheese 5 Milk 5 Bread 7 Big TV 1000 Life time supply of Cheetos 2000 Lamp 20 Blender 30 Food Processor 40 Camera 400 Watch 750 Beard Supplies 800 Trip to Latvia 4000 Ski Equipment 1200 Pair of Scooters 2000 A basket of turtles 20 Fiber Supplement 6 Handful of hard candy 2 Large Ball of Foil 5 Heap of Makeup 100 A Pet Crow 50 A Trunk Full of Shoes 500 Trip to New Zealand 5000 Robosaurus 100000 Espresso Making Ferrets 1200 Antacid 5 A box of slightly used magazines 1 Pinball Machine 1500 Jar of Tomato Paste 5 Aspirin 8 Unreasonable amount of luncheon meat 200 Dinette Set 1400 Bedroom Set 1600 Washer and Dryer 1500 Microwave 30 Latest Video Game Console 500 Globe that lights up! 400 A sparkly necklace 800 Tennis Equipment 500 Cereal 4 The Antidote 250000 Ping Pong Table 400 A Very Very Pretty Ring 1200 Guitar 1500 Banjo 120 Exotic Plants 500 A Large Cowboy Hat 100 200 Dollars in Cash 200 Bag of 100 Tacos 200