CSCE 146 FAQ’s

May I make-up <<Insert Assignment Here>>?

Make-up work for assignments can be requested before the assignment is due. If there is a known conflict that will prevent submitting work at the assigned time, then the instructor must be informed before the deadline. These requests must be done electronically via email. Only a small fraction of assignments can be made up for any excuse(s) and that is limited to 1 Homework Assignment, 1 Lab Solution, and 1 Lab Report. Outstanding make-up work must be completed and submitted before any additional make-up work can be issued.

I was sick and have a doctor’s note may I make up <<Insert Assignment Here>>? OR
I had a family emergency may I make up <<Insert Assignment Here>>? OR
I had to attend a funeral may I make up <<Insert Assignment Here>>? OR
I had <<Insert other emergency here>> may I make up <<Insert Assignment Here>>?

All absences due to medical, family, or other significant emergencies must be excused by the Ombudsman’s office. All documentation, including but not limited to doctor’s notes, obituaries, etc., must be sent to them and approved before any exception can be made. You may contact them at the following link,

Is it possible to get partial credit for late assignments?

The only way to earn back points on previous assignments is via a Homework Redo.

Can you regrade this assignment?
Regrade requests may only be made within ONE WEEK after the assignment has been graded. These requests must be done electronically via email to the instructor. Regrade requests only apply to previously submitted work and we do not accept additional work after the fact. Multiple, frivolous regrade requests will disqualify future regrade requests.

What is my grade in the course?

You can calculate the course’s grade by following the Grade Breakdown section in the Syllabus. This is the only accurate way to calculate your grade for the course.

Can I exempt the Final Exam?

This exam is optional and replaces only the lowest homework grade. You do not have to inform the instructor or TA’s about your decision. Make sure to calculate your grade based on what is outlined in the syllabus.

I’ve had a really difficult time during this semester. Is there anyway I can redo <<Insert Assignments or Exams>> for a better grade?

No. If you are experiencing difficulties in any way, the instructor must be made aware of these immediately. If we are made aware of these as soon as possible, then we can make arrangements that would best accommodate the situation. Outside of Homework Redo’s there is no way to earn back points on previous assignments. An incomplete can be requested, but only a fraction of all assignments can be made up.

Can I take an Incomplete (“I”) for this course?

A grade of Incomplete (“I”) is only given in extreme cases when a student is unable to complete some portion of the assigned course work because of a significant incident. These may include an unanticipated illness, accident, work-related responsibility, family hardship, or verified learning disability. An incomplete will only account for 20% of the overall course grade, and it only applies to work after the reported incident. In addition, a student must be in good grade standing, a “C” or greater, at the time of the incident to qualify.

Can I switch to a different section?

You are allowed to, but the instructor can only move a person to a new section under Blackboard. In order to officially swap sections, it has to be done through the registrar’s office. After then will the instructor switch the sections.

I already know how to do all of this. Is there a way I can exempt the class?

It is possible to exempt out of this course with a placement exam. However, there is more than just taking a test to prove you understand the information. You have up until the FIRST WEEK after the class has started to attempt to place out of the course.  Then you must do the following:

1. Notify the instructor about the exemption and schedule a time to take the exam.
2. Contact the Bursar’s office about paying for the opportunity to take the exam.
3. Obtain a receipt from the Bursar’s office after you have paid for the exemption exam.
4.  Present the receipt and take the exam on the scheduled day. Note that without a receipt we cannot administer the exam.

Once the exam has been completed, then the instructor will grade it, and pass along their evaluation to the undergraduate director. If confirmed, then you will have successfully exempted the course.

Can I get a Letter of Recommendation?

Letter of recommendations are given to top students, and in general students who have worked with the instructor in the past. If you would like an instructor to write one then you must do the following:

·         Request one early in the semester

·         Send the link to recommendation submission

·         Send a resume

·         Send a CV (Curriculum Vitae)