Install Quipper (tested on Ubuntu 22.04)
Install xpdf for viewing Quipper circuits.
sudo apt install xpdf
Installing stack.
sudo apt install haskell-stack
If you are not using ubuntu,
follow the instruction here for
installing stack on your system.
Create a stack project.
stack new quipper-project
The above command should create a folder called 'quipper-project'
with some subfolders such as app/, src/, test/ and config files such as
package.yaml and stack.yaml.
Go to the quipper-project directory.
cd quipper-project
Download and unzip this and this to the quipper-project.
So under quipper-project, there should be a folder called
'quipper-utils-' and another folder called 'quipper-language-'
Under quipper-project, first remove the
the file 'stack.yaml', then download this file
and put it in the current directory.
Open 'package.yaml' in an editor. Add the following two lines in the 'dependencies' section right after '- base >= 4.7 && < 5'.
- quipper
- quipper-language
- quipper-libraries
- random
Remove the main file in the app/ directory.
rm app/Main.hs
Then download and put this file to the directory quipper-project/app.
Under the quipper-project directory, type the following command.
stack build
This process may take a while (10~30 minutes), so maybe get some coffee or do some stretching?
Test our installation.
stack exec quipper-project-exe
The above should open a quipper circuit in xpdf. If you see the circuit,
congrats, you have now successfully install Quipper!