CSCE 790:008 Quantum Programming Languages

Instructor Peng Fu
Meeting time TTh 1:15pm-2:30pm
Meeting location Swearingen Engr Ctr, Room 2A22
Office Location Innovation Center (INNOVA) 2229
Office hours TTh 12pm-1pm

Class Schedule

Please see here for the class schedule.

Course Description

This course introduces background and research topics in quantum programming languages. The topics include both theoretical foundations of quantum programming languages and the practical aspects such as programming quantum circuits.

Academic Bulletin Description

Foundations of quantum programming languages; no-cloning property; syntax and semantics of linear type system; categorical semantics of quantum programming languages; quantum lambda calculus; quantum circuit description languages; programming quantum circuits.

Course Learning Outcome

Students will be able to:


There is no required textbooks. There will be a recommended reading materials and lecture notes.

Course Resource

Grade Calculation

The grading scale is, $ 90 \leq \mathrm{A} \leq 100$, $85 \leq \mathrm{B+} < 90$, $80 \leq \mathrm{B} < 85 $, $75 \leq \mathrm{C+} < 80$, $70 \leq \mathrm{C} < 75$, $65 \leq \mathrm{D+} < 70$, $60\leq \mathrm{D} < 65$, $\mathrm{F} < 60$.