CSCE 790:008 Quantum Programming Languages
Instructor |
Peng Fu |
Email | |
Meeting time |
TTh 1:15pm-2:30pm |
Meeting location |
Swearingen Engr Ctr, Room 2A22 |
Office Location |
Innovation Center (INNOVA) 2229 |
Office hours |
TTh 12pm-1pm |
Class Schedule
Please see here for the class schedule.
Course Description
This course introduces background and research topics in quantum programming languages. The topics
include both theoretical foundations of quantum programming languages and the practical aspects such as
programming quantum circuits.
Academic Bulletin Description
Foundations of quantum programming languages; no-cloning property; syntax and semantics of linear type
system; categorical semantics of quantum programming languages; quantum lambda calculus; quantum
circuit description languages; programming quantum circuits.
Course Learning Outcome
Students will be able to:
- Explain various semantics models of quantum programming languages.
- Demonstrate basic knowledge on the implementations of quantum programming languages.
- Write simple programs in a quantum circuit description language.
- Read, present and criticize papers on various topics related to quantum programming languages.
There is no required textbooks. There will be a recommended reading materials and lecture notes.
Course Resource
- A copy of the syllabus is available here.
- A list of reading materials is available here.
- Instructions on installing Quipper is available here.
Grade Calculation
- 20% Class participation.
Students are required to attend each class and participate in the Q/A phase of
the presentation. Absence from more than 10 percent of the scheduled class sessions, whether excused
or unexcused, is excessive, and the instructor may choose to deduct the class participation points for
such absences. It is of particular importance that a student who anticipates absences in excess of 10
percent of the scheduled class sessions receives prior approval from the instructor.
- 20% Homework assignments.
- 40% Paper presentation.
Each student will choose one research paper in consultation with the instructor and present it to the class. This will
be a timed presentation with Q/A from the audience, and the presenters will be evaluated based on
the preparation of slides, clarity, and coverage of the topics discussed.
The grading scale is, $ 90 \leq \mathrm{A} \leq 100$, $85 \leq \mathrm{B+} < 90$, $80 \leq \mathrm{B} < 85 $,
$75 \leq \mathrm{C+} < 80$, $70 \leq \mathrm{C} < 75$, $65 \leq \mathrm{D+} < 70$, $60\leq \mathrm{D} < 65$,
$\mathrm{F} < 60$.