CSCE 544 Functional Programming

Instructor Peng (Frank) Fu
Meeting time TTh 1:15pm-2:30pm
Meeting location Swearingen Engr Ctr, Room 2A24
Office Location Innovation Center (INNOVA) 2229
Office hours TTh 12pm-1pm
Midterm Tuesday, October 15 (1:15pm-2:30pm)
Final Tuesday, December 10 (12:30pm-3pm)

Class Schedule

Please see here for the class schedule.

Course Description

Functional programming as a paradigm. Programming in Haskell at an intermediate level: recursive and higher-order functions, list comprehensions, types and classes, monads, lazy evaluation, reasoning about programs.


C or better in CSCE 330, CSCE 350, or MATH 374.

Course Learning Outcome

Students will be able to:


There is no required textbooks. There will be a recommended reading materials and lecture notes.

Course Resource

Grade Calculation

A combined score of 60% on the midterm and the final is required to obtain a C in the course; a student who would otherwise obtain a C or better in the course may obtain at most a D+ if his or her combined score on the midterm and final is less than 60%; this percentage is computed as a weighted average of the percentages in midterm and final, with the final weighing twice the midterm.

The grading scale is, $90 \leq \mathrm{A} \leq 100$, $85 \leq \mathrm{B+} < 90$, $80 \leq \mathrm{B} < 85 $, $75 \leq \mathrm{C+} < 80$, $70 \leq \mathrm{C} < 75$, $65 \leq \mathrm{D+} < 70$, $60\leq \mathrm{D} < 65$, $\mathrm{F} < 60$.

Graduate Student Assessment

Graduate students will also be required to present a 30-minute presentation with pdf or PowerPoint slides, describing and evaluating a paper from the peer-reviewed literature. This additional work is not part of the numeric grade calculation, but it is required and worth up to a letter grade. A graduate student who does not complete the report and the presentation will lose a full letter grade.

Late Homework Policy

Late homework is accepted with a 10% penalty until the beginning of the class after the due date.