Exercises at the end of Ch.1[H].
2 points for each of the five exercises; 10 points in total.
Exercises at the end of Ch.2 [H]; 2 points for each of five exercises.
Exercise F in Ch.1 [TFWH]; 5 points.
15 points in total.
Exercises 1-4 at the end of Ch.3 [H] (2 points for each of four exercises.
Exercise 1 at the end of Ch.4 [H] (2 points).
Exercise 8 at the end of Ch.4 [H] (10 points).
20 points in total.
Exercises at the end of Ch.5 [H]: 2 points per exercise for exercises 1-4;
4 points for each of exercises 5-6; 3 points for each of exercises 7-8;
6 points for exercise 9.
28 points in total.
Exercises at the end of Ch.6 [H]:
2 points for exercise 4;
4 points for exercise 7;
6 points for exercise 8 (You must follow the hint);
15 points for exercise 9 (5 per part. You must show the five steps.)
27 points in total.
Exercise related to John Backus's video "Function Level Programming and the
FL Language."
1 points for each of the five parts; 5 points in total.
HW7: Exercises at the end of Ch.7 [H]:
2 points for each of exercises 1-5;
6 points for exercise 6 (2 per part);
10 points for exercise 7;
1 point for exercise 8;
3 points for exercise 9;
6 points for exercise 10.
36 points in total.
HW8: Exercises at the end of Ch.8 [H]:
2 points for each of exercises 1-4;
6 points for exercise 5;
4 points for exercise 6;
4 points for exercise 7;
6 points for exercise 8.
28 points in total.
HW9: Exercises at the end of Ch.9 [H]:
2 points for each of exercises 1-3;
4 points for exercise 4;
6 points for exercise 5.
16 points in total.
HW10: Exercises at the end of Ch.10 [H]:
2 points for each of exercises 1-3;
4 points for exercise 4;
4 points for exercise 5;
6 points for exercise 6.
20 points in total.
HW11: Exercises at the end of Ch.11 [H]:
2 points for each of exercises 1-2;
6 points for exercise 3.
10 points in total.
HW12: Exercises 1-5 at the end of Ch.12 [H]:
2 points for each of exercises 1-4;
8 points for exercise 5 (2 per law).
16 points in total.
HW13: Exercises 7-8 at the end of Ch.12 [H]:
8 points for exercise 7;
4 points for exercise 8.
12 points in total.
HW14: Exercises 1-6 at the end of Ch.15 [H]:
2 points for each of exercises 1-3;
4 points for each of exercises 4-6.
18 points in total.