CSCE 582 {=STAT 582} Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs

Prerequisites: CSCE 350 (Data Structures and Algorithms) and either STAT 509 (Statistics for Engineers) or STAT 515 (Statistical Methods I)

Bulletin Description: Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs. {=STAT 582} (3) (Prereq: CSCE 350; STAT 509 or STAT 515) Normative approaches to uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Probabilistic and causal modeling with Bayesian networks and influence diagrams. Applications in decision analysis and support. Algorithms for probability update in graphical models.

Meeting Time and Place: TTH 1140-1255, SWGN 2A22.
Instructor: Marco Valtorta
Office: Innovation Center 2269, 777-4641
Office Hours: M 1500-1800. Please check by phone or email. Others by appointment. Update of 2020-03-15. Due to the closing of the university, there will be no in-person office hours. Please use email; if necessary, a phone or virtual face-to-face conversation will be arranged. Update of 2020-03-30. There will be virtual office hours using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.

The goals of this course are:

The course is foundational. It concentrates on modeling and use of decision analysis principles. Algorithms for belief updating (especially variable elimination and Jensen's version of the Lauritzen-Spiegelhalter algorithm, but also stochastic simulation) are discussed to some depth, but advanced topics on algorithmic issues are left out. It is my hope that a student who successfully completes this course will both be able to use decision analytic tools such as Hugin well and be well prepared for advanced graduate courses in, e.g., data mining.

Grading Policy

Time Allocation Framework and Required Text
Updated on 2020-03-15

Lecture Log (with agendas starting 2020-03-24)

Videos Starting from March 24, 2020 (links to Blackboard videos)
Session of 2020-03-24
Session of 2020-03-26
Session of 2020-03-31
Session of 2020-04-02
Session of 2020-04-07
Session of 2020-04-09
Session of 2020-04-14
Session of 2020-04-16
Session of 2020-04-21
Session of 2020-04-23

Lecture Notes

Quizzes (In-Class Exercises)

Videos from the spring 2009 version of the course.

Graduate Student Presentations


Useful Links

Sample Tests
Final Exam of fall 2012, with answers (pdf)