CSCE 582 Spring 2016: Syllabus

The textbook is:

  • Jensen, Finn V. and Thomas D. Nielsen. Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2007 (ISBN-10 0-387-68281-3; ISBN-13: 978-0-387-68281-5) (Approximately $70 at This text is referred to as [J07].) Other recommended books on the topic are:

    The main (approximately 80% of the time) instructional delivery strategy for this course is lectures. Discussions based on student presentations, videos, quizzes or in-class exercises, and a possible invited talk will make up the remaining 20% of time. The first day of classes is Tuesday, January 12, 2014. The last day to drop the course without a grade of "W" being recorded is Tuesday, January 19, 2016. The last day to withdraw without failure is Thursday, March 3, 2016. The last day of classes is Thursday, April 21, 2016. The final exam for the course is Tuesday, May 3, 2016, at 1230 in the classroom (300 Main B111). This is the regularly scheduled time for courses taught from 1315 to 1430 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (See the university exam schedule.) The syllabus is tentative. It is especially important for students to be aware that the date of the midterm exam is only tentative.

    WeekLecture Topics Readings
    1: January 12 and 14Probability and Reasoning Chs.1 and 2 [J07]; instructor's slides
    2: January 19 and 21Probability and Reasoning; Chs.1 and 2 [J07]; instructor's slides
    3: January 26 and 28 Causal and Bayesian Networks Ch.2 [J07]
    4: February 2 and 4 Causal and Bayesian Networks Ch.2 [J07]
    5: February 9 and 11 Building Models: Capturing the Structure and Determining the Conditional Probabilities Sections 3.1 and 3.2 [J07]
    6: February 16 and 18 Building Models: Capturing the Structure and Determining the Conditional Probabilities Sections 3.2 and 3.3 [J07] and Notes on the Stratum Method
    7: February 23 and 25Midterm and Building Models: Advanced Modeling Methods and Special Features Sections 3.3 and 3.4 [J07]
    8: March 1 and 3 Building Models: Advanced Modeling Methods and Special Features Sections 3.3 and 3.4 [J07]
    9: March 8 and 10 Spring Break TBA
    10: March 15 and 17Belief Updating in Bayesian Networks: the Junction Tree Method Ch.4 [J96]
    11: March 22, 24Belief Updating in Bayesian Networks: The Junction Tree Method Ch.4 [J96]
    12: March 29 and 31Belief Updating in Bayesian Networks: Stochastic Simulation and Loopy Belief Propagation Sections 4.7-4.8 [J07] and Notes
    13: April 5 and 7Graphical Languages for Decision Problems Ch.9 [J07]
    14: April 12 and 14 Graphical Languages for Decision Problems Ch.9 [J07]
    15: April 19 and 21 Graduate and Honors Student Presentations TBA