Each student is expected to attend all classes for this course and is responsible for all material covered in class or assigned. In particular, absence from more than nine scheduled classes, whether excused or unexcused, is excessive and may result in a grade penalty.
The material in this course is very new. It is not very difficult, but it is likely that you have never seen anything quite like this in your academic career. Therefore, it is very important that you do the homework as it is assigned. Homework is due at the beginning of class. Homework submitted after the beginning of class but before the beginning of the next class is assessed a 20% penalty. A grade of zero is assigned to homework that is more than a class period late, unless special arrangements have been made. It is essential for your understanding of the subject matter that you do the homework on your own. Undoubtedly, you can find solutions to some of the exercises on the web or elsewhere. If you find the solution to some exercise in the literature, please indicate clearly the source (book, article, conference paper, web site) you consulted. I will then discuss with you the situation. I will not penalize you (and may even commend you for your scholarship), but I will make sure that you understand the concepts involved in the assigned exercise. Since some of the homework involves drawing graphs, you may find it easier to turn in handwritten homework. This is acceptable, but you may be penalized for homework that is not clearly and neatly written.
Each student must follow the University Honor Code and turn in his or her work. It is very good to study in groups. In fact, there is evidence that group studying is a predictor of success, at least in early college mathematics courses. Some of you may enjoy studying in groups! You are therefore encouraged to discuss the material you study, but you must do your homework individually, unless an assignment is explicitly designated as a team assignment. The minimum grade penalty for a violation will be a zero on the work involved. In addition, an honor code violation will be subject to the sanctions described in the USC Community Handbook and Policy Guide. The following paragraph, written by Professor Duncan Buell, clarifies the distinction between "learning from a discussion" and "turning in someone else's work": If, after having participated in a group activity, you can walk away, put the books down, have lunch, and then come back afterwards to re-create from your own head the material and techniques you discussed as a group, then you can legitimately say that you have learned from the group but the work you turn in is your own.