Points for each assignment
- HW1
2 points per exercise, plus 3 points for general issues
(layout, organization, citations, reference list): 15 points.
Do the exercises at the end of chapters 1 and 2 of [B].
Due date: Thursday, January 21, 2010.
- Your homework essay must be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font.
The essay, in total, must be no longer than two pages. Please type the
questions as well as your answers.
- Please turn in hard copy, but save the source file,
because you may be asked to
submit an electronic version later.
- For question 1 on p.15, provide only one occurrence and
why you think it should have been included.
- For question 2 on p.15,
provide only one example of each of the two kinds and
explain why they meet the conditions of the question.
- For question 3 on p.15, provide only one kind of problem and explain why
computer has raised a unique dilemma.
- (HW2) Do the exercises at the end of chapters 3, 4, and 5 of [B].
There are three questions at the end of chapter 4, and one each at the end of
chapters 3 and 5. Each question is worth 3 points. Three points are allocated
to general issues (layout, organization, citations, reference list). Total: 18
points. Please use the formatting rules as for HW1.
- (HW3) Do the exercises at the end of chapters 6 and 7 of [B].
Each exercise is worth 5 points. Total: 10 points.
- (HW4) Attend the SET career fair on Monday, February 15, and write a
one-page report. Note: This satisfies the
"Professional Activities" requirement described in the "Grading Policy" page.
Total: 10 points.
- (HW5) Do exercises 1 and 4 at the end of chapter 9 of [B].
Each exercise is worth 5 points. Total: 10 points.
- (HW6) Do exercise 1 at the end of chapter 15 of [B] for two case studies of
your choice in chapter 15. Write a one-page paper for each of the two cases you
choose. Each case study is worth 5 points. Total: 10 points.
- (HW7) Do exercise 1 at the end of chapter 17 of [B] for case study 17.8 in
[B]. Write a two page paper on this. Also analyze the same case using the
ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional
Practice. Write at least a one-page paper on this. Each part is worth 5 points.
Total: 10 points.
- (HW8) Choose a topic of professional interest that includes a non-trivial
ethical issue from ACM TechNews archives. Write a 5-page paper in which (1)
you summarize the topic (with appropriate references), (2) you apply the 8-step
ethical decision-making process to the problem, (3) you apply the ACM Code or
the ACM/IEEE-CS Code. Prepare a 5-slide PowerPoint presentation for your topic
and your analysis of it. 15 points for the paper; 5 points for the PowerPoint
presentation. Total: 20 points.