CSCE 330 Fall 2011: The Simplesem Abstract Semantic Processor

The Simplesem abstract semantic processor is described in Section 2.6 of your handout [GJ98].

Simplesem has been installed on the departmental Linux workstations.
Users of the cshell or the tcshell, in order to use Simplesem most easily, should add the following line to their .cshrc or .tcshrc file:
source /usr/local/etc/csce330/csce330-fall01.csh
Users of the bash shell, in order to use Simplesem most easily, should add the following line to their .profile:
source /usr/local/etc/csce330/
In this way, the CLASSPATH environmental variable will be modified to include the directories with the relevant Java libraries, and the PATH environmental variable will be modified to include the directories with the relevant executable files. Please do not remove the other lines in your .cshrc or .tcshrc; in particular, leave the line
source /etc/cshrc

After you do this, you may execute the Simusem abstract semantic processor by typing
java simplesem
at the Unix prompt.

You may also dowload the java code for the SIMPLESEM interpreter using a link in the "Some useful links" section of the course web site and install it on your computer.