TTh 1400-1515 SWGN 2A21
Prerequisites: CSCE 212, CSCE 245, MATH 374
Instructor: Marco Valtorta
Office: Swaeringen 3A55, 777-4641
Office Hours: TTh 1045-1215 (subject to change)
Teaching Assistant:
Sen Xu
Office A111 300 Main,
Office Hours: MW 1400-1530.
hone 777-7506
Reference materials:
Student Presentations
Student presentation information
Homework, Tests, and Programs
Quizzes (In-Class Exercises)
Quiz 1 of 06-09-05
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 2 of 06-09-07
(in pdf format, with answer)
Quiz 3 of 06-09-12
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 4 of 06-09-14
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 5 of 06-09-19
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 6 of 06-10-03
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 7 of 06-10-05
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 8 of 06-10-10
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 9 of 06-10-12
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 10 of 06-10-17
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 11 of 06-10-24
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 12 of 06-10-26
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 13 of 06-10-31
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 14 of 06-11-02
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 15 of 06-11-21
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 16 of 06-11-28
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 17 of 06-11-30
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 18 of 06-12-05
(in postscript format, with answer)
Quiz 19 of 06-12-07
(in postscript format, with answer)
(This quiz was discussed after the end of class, but the students were not asked
to turn it in.)
The USC Blackboard has a site for this course. This is only used for posting of grades.
Prolog Information
Some useful links:
Dr. Vidal is looking for students to
join the resurgent ACM student chapter!
In this class, we write dates according to
ISO Standard 8601.
Brian Hayes. "The Semicolon Wars." _American Scientist_, July-August 2006,
Local copy, pdf.
The Ariane 5 launch disaster.
Local copy of paper for HW2: Rajlich, V., N. Wilde, M.
Buckellew. and H. Page. ``Software Cultures and Evolution.'' _Computer_,
34, 9 (September 2001), pp.24--28.
Introduction to Simplesem and its use.
The Tiobe Software web site, with the Tiobe
Programming Community Index of the popularity of programming languages.
Paper by Paul Graham on John McCarthy's original LISP interpreter.
Local copy of the paper on the original LISP interpreter:
postscript, two pages per sheet.
Note for lectures on the LISP interpreter (in postcript)
Paper by Paul Graham on a large application of LISP.
FAQ for comp.lang.lisp.
AutoLISP is used in AutoCAD
How to view postscript in Windows:
Wim Sweldens's web page on GSview.
Another link to Ghostscript and Ghostview, courtesy of
Stephen Smolley.
Carter Bays's FP interpreter
Norman Matloff's Introduction to the vi Text editor
Norman Matloff's Unix Tutorial Center
A site with a short program written in many languages, not including FP.
A site with onother short program written in several languages..
John McCarthy, developer of LISP, wins the Franklin Medal