CSCE211, Homework Assignment #3


Homework Problems

1.      Text problem 2.1 (a).  Use first distributive law and simplify.  (10 pts)

2.      Text problem 2.1 (d).  Use second distributive law and simplify.  (10 pts)  

3.      Text problem 2.3. (d)  Use second distributive law (or Theorem 12-14D).  (10 pts)

4.      Text problem 2.3. (e)  Let X = {A′•B + D} and use second distributive law.  (10 pts)

5.      Text problem 2.5 (b).  Let X = {A′ + C′} and use second distributive law. (10 pts)

6.      Text problem 2.6 (a).  First rewrite [A•B] + (C′•D′) = ([A•B] + C′) • ([A•B] + D′). Apply second distributive law to each new term.  (10 pts)

7.      Text problem 2.9 (a)  (10 pts)

8.      Text problem 2.13 (d), top of page 50.  (10 pts)

9.      Text Problem 4.21 (a).  Multiply out the expression (first distributive law) and create a truth table.  Express the truth table in Σm () notation (rows numbers where the expression = 1).  See pages 86 to 88).  (10 pts)

10.  Express the truth table for Problem 9 above in ΠM () notation (rows where expression = 0).  (10 pts)