The University of South Carolina and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering take a strong stand against cheating. Anyone caught cheating in this course will receive a grade of F and the incident will be reported, which may result in further disciplinary action. You are allowed to ask for help in the labs and on certain parts of projects and homework; but do your own work. Don't let anyone do it for you. Do not turn in someone else's work as your own or give work to another student. It could be turned in as their work. The student that gives the work is as guilty as the student that takes the work. The University of South Carolina's Rule of Academic Responsibility states: It is the responsibility of every student at the University of South Carolina Columbia to adhere steadfastly to truthfulness and to avoid dishonesty, fraud, or deceit of any type in connection with any academic program. Any student who violates this rule or who knowingly assists another to violate this rule shall be subject to discipline...
As a student, member of the faculty or staff at the University of South Carolina you are a member of the Carolina Community and are therefore obligated to adhere to the Carolinian Creed.
It is your responsibility to keep back-up copies of all of your work throughout the semester. Never share files, flash drives, passwords, etc. Never give anyone a copy of your files. The work that is to be graded must be your work.We try hard to accommodate students with disabilities. Information is available at the Student Disability Resource Center, located in LeConte, Room 112A. Don't hesitate to contact them; they will guide you through the process. Phone - (803) 777-6142, TDD - (803) 777-6744, email-