[page containing my mug]

Setting Up the EDA/CAD Tools for CSCE 612

If you use the bash shell...

Enter the following four lines into your .profile:

		source /usr/local/3rdparty/cad_setup_files/cadence.bash
		source /usr/local/3rdparty/cad_setup_files/synopsys.bash
		source /usr/local/3rdparty/cad_setup_files/mentor.bash
		source /usr/local/etc/cad_setup_files/cadence.bash

If you use the tcsh shell...

Enter the following four lines into your .login:

		source /usr/local/3rdparty/cad_setup_files/cadence.csh
		source /usr/local/3rdparty/cad_setup_files/synopsys.csh
		source /usr/local/3rdparty/cad_setup_files/mentor.csh
		source /usr/local/etc/cad_setup_files/cadence.csh

Setting Up Your Working Directories

You should create working directories in your home directories for each of the CAD packages we'll be using. I recommend the following directories.

~/cds_work (for Cadence IC-Tools)

~/cds_work/ss (for Cadence SignalStorm)

~/cds_work/abstract_work (for Cadence Abstract Generator)

~/syn_work (for Synopsys Design Analyzer)

~/mentor_work (for Mentor HDL Designer)

~/encounter_work (for Cadence First Encounter)

These are the directories where you'll start up the corresponding tool.

Cadence IC-Tools Library Mappings

I have setup for you an initial set of library mappings for the Cadence IC-Tools. Copy these to your Cadence working directory with the following shell command.

		cp ~jbakos/cds_work/cds.lib ~/cds_work

Good luck!