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Building the Multicycle CPU

As you have finished the design and test of the ALU unit, now is the time for your first CPU design.

This is a version of the R2000 CPU that is similar to the implementation described in Chapter 5 of the Hennessy and Patterson text. You should be intimately familiar with this design from your computer architecture class. The block diagram below is reprinted from your text. In this unit, you will implement everything you see in this diagram except for the memory unit and you will test it by executing a MIPs program similar to the one that you wrote for Lab 2.

In the multi-cycle CPU design, each instruction is executed in three to five clock states, depending on instruction type. (refer to the handout for more detailed information)

  • During cycle 1 the next instruction is fetched from memory and stored in the instruction register and the PC is incremented by 4.
  • During cycle 2 instruction operands are read from the register file and latched into the A and B buffer registers.
  • During cycle 3 the ALU performs an arithmetic/logical/shift/address calculation/branch test. ALU results are latched into the ALU register or a branch/jump is taken (PC is changed). If there is a branch-and-link or a jump-and-link (and it is taken), the PC is stored in register 31.
  • During cycle 4 results are written back into the register file for R-type instructions or memory is accessed for load/store instructions
  • During cycle 5 memory data from a Load instruction is written into the register file.

    Note: Our next task will be to learn how to overlap these cycles in a pipelined design, but for now each instruction will execute in three to five sequential states.


    You have already designed the ALU and will find most of the other major components that you will need in the CSELib library. This includes the register file, the individual register components used for the instruction register and the buffer registers. You will need to implement some miscellaneous logic such as multiplexer, sign extension circuits, etc. The real work for this assignment will be the control unit and its associate circuitry shown in orange above: You will implement a finite state controller using the FSM view in the mentor tools and using the discussion in chapter 5 of Hennessey and Patterson as a guide.

    To begin this task, define a new library called CPU, and create a new component symbol within that library as shown below. You will have completed this unit when you have built and simulated this component.

    You may have noticed that the pinout of this component is almost the same as the memory component in the digram above. This is because that diagram shows an entire MIPS based computer system (needing only a clock input). In our case, you are implementing a processor that accesses an external memory, hence the memory access pinouts on your symbol.

    Work on your CPU in small steps, testing parts of the design as you implement it. For example, layout the components and test the datapaths first, before you begin working on the control unit. Then, as you build the control unit, implement and test each instruction type separately, thoroughly test each new capability as you add them.

    An example of a CPU executing a memory read:

    An example of a CPU executing a memory write: