CSCE 101 Summer 2016
Mohammad Ali Javidian
My office hours are MTWRF: 11 am - 11:30 am, and by appointment
Office: Sumwalt, Room 340
Syllabus and Grading Policy
Lab Assignments
Homework Assignments
Course Schedule and Lectures
Academic Calendar
Open Lab Hours
There are two labs available for you to use outside of your assigned lab time. Rooms 361 and 244 will be open and a lab monitor will be available to answer questions. The lab hours will be posted on the web and on the lab doors.Open Lab Hours Summer 2016
How to Do Well in This Course?
Attend lectures and labs.
Seek help if needed. If you don't understand something taught in class or assigned, see me after class, or during my office hours. Don't hesitate to ask questions or come to see me.
Read the academic responsibility and "What Every College Student Needs to Know" document.What Every Student Needs to Know