CSCE 211 Digital Logic Analysis and Design

Circuit 3

74LS47 and 7-Segment Display

Due: Thursday, November 18, 2010

Check-off: Demonstrate that your circuit output on the 7-segment display is correct for all input combinations (i.e., from 0 through 9).

ReportShow the very simple logical (not physical) diagram of the circuit for the 74LS47 and 7-segment display.  You must include pin numbers on your diagram.  For example, from pin (13-a) of the 74LS47, to one side of a 1K ohm resister, other side of the resister to pin (7-a) of 7-segment display.  You can print the following diagrams of 7-segment display and 74LS47 and include it with your report.  Use it to show connections from 74LS47 to display segments and DIP switch variables to the 74LS47.

Grading:  This circuit project will be due on Thursday, November 18, in class and will be worth 4 points toward your final grade. Your grade for each of the circuit assignments will be based on (1) demonstrating that your circuits work properly and (2) a short written report that provides a few details about the circuits.  You will demonstrate your circuits and turn in your report on your check-off day.

Connections for 7-Segment Display  


Shown in “horizontal” position with decimal point (DP) at lower right