This tutorial can be found on the web at:


1.     From the “Start” Menu in the lower right corner, start MATLAB. 



2.     You should get the following PC Matlab window:




3.     At the command prompt in the “Command Window” enter the following command:
>> simulink



4.     From the “File” menu select “New” then “Model”




5.     In the Simulink Library Browser window, click (or double-click) on “Sources”.



6.     From the bottom of the list of blocks, select “Step” and drag the step into your blank simulation window.



7.     In the Simulink Library Browser window, click (or double-click) on “Sinks”.




8.     Select a “Scope” block and drag it into your untitled Simulink simulation window.



9.     Select the arrow coming out of the Step block and connect it to the arrow going into the scope block.



10. Double click on the Scope block to open a scope window:



11. To start your simulation running, in your untitled simulation window hit the play button (top, second from right).  Note that you can also select “Simulation->Start” using the menus of the simulation window.  You should see the following in your scope window:              



12. In your untitled simulation window, double click on the step block.  Change the “Final Value” to 10 and run the simulation again.  Your scope should look like:   




13. Hit the binocular button, and the axes will rescale:                     



14. In the untitled simulation window, double click on the step block and change the step time to 15, then run the simulation.  Your scope should look like:       



15. You did not run the simulation far enough in time.  In the untitled simulation window, select from the “Simulation” menu “Simulation Parameters”.  Change the stop time to 20.



16. Run the simulation, hit the binocular button, and your scope should look like:



17. To lock this axis value (so you don’t have to hit the binoculars each time, hit the button to the right of the binocular button.



18. You should now save your untitled simulation.  From the “File” menu in the untitled simulation window, select “Save”.  You can save your file in your Z drive (H:) so that it will be accessible from any of the engineering PCs. 



19. Now, we will modify the simulation slightly.  Select the connection between the step block and the scope in your simulation window, and hit delete:



20. In the Simulink Library Window, click on “Math” and select a Gain block:



21. Drag the Gain into your simulation window and connect the simulation as follows:



22. Double click on the Gain block in you simulation window and change the value of the gain from 1 to 20.  Run the simulation, then hit the binocular button on the scope window:    



23. We need to label our simulation. You can double click on the background of your simulation to enter text:   



24. You can also edit the text for each block, to make the simulation more descriptive.



25. We would like to look at the input signal and the output signal.  Click on the Scope block in your simulation, then select copy (Edit Menu-> Copy or Control-C  or the Copy button).  Hit paste (Edit Menu -> Paste or Control-V or the Paste button).    



26. From the new scope, select the input arrow, and drag the line to connect to the signal between the step and the gain.  When you are lined up properly, the crosshairs turn from single to double, then release the mouse.          



27. Now open both scopes, run the simulation, and hit the binocular buttons on each scope:



28. Instead of having two scope windows, you can have two axes in one scope.  Select your output scope window and hit the second button from the left,  the “Parameters” button.  Change the Number of axes from 1 to 2 and hit “ok”:     



29. Delete your input scope, then modify your simulation so that the input signal and the output signal are fed into the scope:



30. Run the simulation.


31. Change the name on your scope block in the Simulink window to uniquely identify yourself.  This will cause the title of the scope to change to your name.  Run the simulation and print out your scope and your simulation window to hand in.

32. Create a new blank simulation.  You will need

a.      a step (From “Sources”)

b.     a scope (From “Sinks”)

c.     a sum block (From “Math”)

d.     a gain block (From “Math”)

e.      a transfer function block (From “Continuous”)

f.       a mux block (From “Signal Routing”)  Your simulation window should look like:

33. Double click on the Sum block and change the value from “|++” to “|+-“ .

34. Now, you are going to create your first feedback control system.  The transfer function represents a simple linear dynamic system relating process input u(t) to process output y(t).  The gain block is a simple controller.  The step is a change in ysp(t).  The sum block calculates the error between ysp(t) and y(t).  Connect your blocks in the following manner:

35. Run the simulation and look at the response.  You should see a response that starts at zero, and starts gradually changing toward 0.5 at time t=1.0.

36. Now, change the scope block to accept two input signals.  Connect your blocks in the following manner:

37. Change the name of your scope block to identify yourself when you print it out.

38. Select in your simulation window, “Format” -> “Wide Nonscalar Lines”.  Also select “Format” -> “Show Port Widths”.  Simulink can accept vector values for some blocks.  Your simulation window should look like:

39. Run the simulation, and print out your response to turn in. The top graph shows the setpoint and process measurement on the same plot.  The bottom graph shows the input move calculated by the simple control system.

40. Now, add a clock block from “Sources” and a “To Workspace” block from sinks.  Click on the “To Workspace” block and change the sample time to 0.1, select save format as “array” and change the variable name to “t”. 

41. Copy / past the “To Workspace” block three times, and change the variable names to “y” “ysp” and “u”.

42. Connect your blocks in the following manner:

43. Run the simulation.  In the matlab window, type “whos”.  You should see something like:

>> whos

  Name       Size                   Bytes  Class

  t        101x1                      808  double array

  tout     103x1                      824  double array

  u        101x1                      808  double array

  y        101x1                      808  double array

  ysp      101x1                      808  double array


Grand total is 507 elements using 4056 bytes



44. Type “edit” in the matlab simulation.  An editor window should appear.

45. Type in the following commands:





ylabel('y value')

title('Plot by MY NAME')

axis([0 10 0 1.2])




ylabel('u value')


46. You can copy / past these commands into the matlab command prompt to make a plot.  You can also highlight commands then right click to evaluate them in the Matlab window. 

47. Note that you can save these commands to a file.  Save these plot commands to a file: “makeplots.m” on your Z drive (H:).  You can reuse these commands later to make new plots, just like you can reuse the simplation to make new control systems. Print your plot to turn in.







48. Right click on “My Network Places”



49. Select “Map Network Drive”



50. In the “Folder” blank, enter the following: “\\\pcm” and hit return.  This mounts a network folder onto your local PC, giving you access to the PCM Matlab files.  You should get the following window:



51. Note the letter of the drive.  In this case, the drive is mapped as “E:”



52. Close the window and start MATLAB.



53. You should get the following PC Matlab window:



54. At the command prompt in the “Command Window” enter the following:
>> cd e:
(“e:” is the mapped drive letter.)


55. At the command prompt in the “Command Window” enter the following to start the Process Control Modules:
>> mainmenu     



56. From the buttons on the mainmenu screen, push the button for the Furnace:       


57. From the furnace menu, select “Furnace” to start the open loop simulation:




58. Note that there are two windows, a “Process Monitor Window” and the “Furnace” simulation window.  Try quickly switching between the two windows using the “Process Monitor” button in the furnace window and the “Simulation Window” button in the Furnace Process Monitor window.


59. To start the simulation, in the Furnace window, hit the “play” button in the top, second from the right:




60. Alternatively, you could select from the “Simulation” menu the “start” option.  Alternatively, you could hit Control-t to start the simulation.


61. The simulation should start to run, simulating a heated tube furnace:



62. In the Furnace window, double click on the “Fuel Gas Flow Rate” button in the lower left section of the simulation.       


63. Change the value from 1.21 to 1.31 and then hit “ok”, then quickly double click on the “Process Monitor” button in the upper left corner of the furnace window.  You should see a dynamic change in the process measurements.     


64. Try making other small changes in parameters and examine the changes in the furnace measurements.

65. Print out a copy of the Process Monitor, with your name on it, that shows at least one dynamic transient in the furnace system.




66. Close all PCM windows.

67. At the Matlab command prompt, type:
>> dee

The following window will appear.

68. Double-click on “deedemo1”.  This loads the Van der Pol Equation demo.  The Van der Pol equation is a second-order nonlinear ODE of the form:
As with all higher-order ODEs, it can be decomposed into a system of first-order ODEs.  When
m is large (~1000), the system becomes stiff, so this equation becomes a good system to test the stiff-solving capabilities of an integrator.

69. Double-click on the “vdp” block.  This brings up the differential equation editor window:

70. To study this system properly, it is necessary to change some of the default properties.  The demo has done most of the work for decomposing the second-order system into two first-order systems, but m was left implicitly as 1.  To add an adjustable m, multiply the first term in the first “dx/dt=” equation by “mu”.  Also, the output (“y”) of interest is really x and not dx/dt, so change the output equation in “y=” to “x(2)”.  Check your work with the figure below to make sure it is correct.  Click “Done” when you are finished.

71. In the command window, type:
>> mu = 1;
This tells the Differential Equation Editor what value to use for “mu”.

72. It is also necessary to change some of the default plotting properties.  Select the scope window that was opened when you opened the demo:

Select the “Parameters” button.  (To the right of the printer.)  This brings up the Parameters window:

Select the “Data History” tab, and uncheck “Limit data points to last:”.  Click “Ok” when you are finished.

73. Now, from the “Simulation” menu of the deedemo1 sheet, select the “Simulation parameters” option.  Change the stop time to 20.  Click “Ok” when you are done.

74. Again from the “Simulation” menu, select “Start”.  You should see the solution plotted in the scope.  This non-stiff case completes rapidly.

75. Now it is time to examine the system when the equations are stiff.  In the command window, type:
>> mu = 1000;

In the scope’s “Parameters” window, select the “General” tab and set “
Time Range” to 3000.  Click “Ok” when you are finished.

In the “deedemo1” window, select the “Simulation” window and “Simulation Parameters”.  Change “Stop Time” to 3000.

76. Run the simulation again using the “Simulation” menu and the “Start” option.  You will see the scope progressing very slowly.  If you do not wish to wait, you can stop the simulation before it finishes.  (Make sure you run at least to t = 1000.)

77. The slow performance occurred, because Simulink’s default solver does not handle stiff systems very well.  If you know you are working with a stiff system, you can change Matlab’s solver to one that is designed to handle it.  In the “Simulation” menu, select “Simulation Parameters”.  Under “Solver Options”, change ode45 to ode23s.  Click “Ok” when you are finished.

78. Run the simulation again (“Simulation” -> “Start”).  You should see in the scope that it completes the simulation almost instantly.

79. As you have just seen, the differential equation editor is a simple way to add systems of ODEs to a Simulink worksheet.  It lets you easily change different parameters of the system and observe how the output changes.  Feel free to experiment further with the Van der Pol system or any of the other Differential Equation Editor demos.