CSCE 551/MATH 562
Sample Homework Exercises

The following homework is not to hand in. It can be used to prepare for the exams, which will have questions covering the 12 objective areas mentioned in the syllabus.

There are many more questions here than can probably be solved by any one person in a semester, and certainly more than can be tested for.

Homework 1:

  1. Read Chapter 0 Although you will not hand them in, you should do (or at least attempt) all exercises and problems in this chapter (some are much harder than others. This chapter builds up and tests your mathematical maturity, i.e., your level of comfort with the various objects and methods of mathematics -- basic logic, sets, relations, functions, graphs, etc., as well as definitions, theorems, and proofs. Mathematical maturity is the strongest indicator of success in this course.

    NOTA BENE: Any exercise appearing with an `A' before its number has a solution in the text. You should try working it first before looking at the solution. You'll appreciate the solution a lot more that way.

Homework 2:

  1. Verify that the following expression for the binomial coefficient, B(n,k) : = n!/[k!(n-k)!] satisfies the recurrence equations B(n,0) = B(n,n) = 1 and B(n+1,k) = B(n,k-1) + B(n,k) for all n ≥ 0 and 1 ≤ kn.
  2. Exercises 1.1, 1.2
  3. Exercises 1.3, 1.4(c,e), 1.5(d), 1.6(c,l)
  4. Give the transition diagram of a DFA recognizing the language of all binary strings where there are at least four 1's occuring somewhere before the third 0 (provided it exists). (So the only strings to reject are those that have at least three 0's and there are fewer than four 1's occuring before the third 0.)
  5. Exercises 1.7(b,c), 1.12, 1.16(a), 1.17, 1.18(f), 1.19(b), 1.20(b,h), 1.21(a), 1.29(b)
  6. Problems 1.21(b), 1.32, 1.34, 1.40(b)

Homework 3: This homework is mostly from Chapter 3, but there are a few problems remaining from Chapter 1. Automata theory provides a huge wealth of interesting exercises, from easy to very challenging and from very practical to just fun. We have only scratched the surface. (Chapter 1 alone has no less than 73 exercises and problems, and they are all worth while!) I include below a selection of some of my favorites (recommended for a good mental workout or to prepare for the CSE Qualifying Exam). Other good problems can be found in the Theory portions of past CSE Qualifying Exams. I'm happy to discuss the solutions to any of these at any time.

  1. Exercises 3.2(d,e), 3.4, 3.6, 3.8(b). Problem 3.11 (argue informally).
  2. Problem 3.12
  3. Problems 1.51 and 1.52 cover the very practical task of DFA minimization---finding the unique DFA with the fewest states recognizing a given regular language.
  4. Show how to convert a regular expression R for a language L directly into a regular expression R' for L - {ε} (that is, the set of all nonempty strings in L). The conversion is a set of recursive rules based on the syntax of R, similar to what we did in class for the string reversal construction.

    (Note: you could do this indirectly by first constructing an NFA N equivalent to R, then a DFA D equivalent to N, then a product construction of D with an automaton that accepts all nonempty strings, getting a new product DFA P, then converting P back into a regular expression R' by state elimination, say. This approach works, but is highly inefficient and may produce an overly complicated R'.)

  5. The optional problems below all establish various closure properties of regular languages. For all these problems, we assume a fixed alphabet Σ.
    1. Given two strings x,y∈Σ*, we say that x is a subsequence of y if x results from y by removing zero or more symbols and closing up the resulting gaps. That is, if y = y1⋅⋅⋅ yn and there exist 1 ≤ i1 < i2 < ⋅⋅⋅ < imn such that x = yi1 ⋅⋅⋅ yim. For any language L, define SUBSEQ(L) to be the language of all subsequences of strings in L. Show that if L is regular, then so is SUBSEQ(L). [Hint: Given a regular expression for L, there is a simple transformation to obtain a regular expression for SUBSEQ(L).] (Actually it is known, by a nonconstructive proof, that SUBSEQ(L) is regular for any language L whatsoever. To see a proof, read either of the two appendices to this paper, starting on page 34. Each appendix has a separate proof; note that λ is used to denote the empty string rather than ε.)
    2. Given two languages L1 and L2 over Σ, define the "quotient" language

      L1/L2 = { x ∈ Σ* : (∃ yL2) xyL1 }.

      Show that if L1 is regular (and L2 is arbitrary!), then L1/L2 is regular. [Hint: Given a DFA A for L1, define a DFA A' for L1/L2, where A' has all the same components as A (state set, alphabet, transition function, start state) except a possibly different set of final states.]
    3. For two strings x = x1 ⋅⋅⋅ xn and y = y1 ⋅⋅⋅ yn of the same length, define the interleave of x and y to be

      x#y = x1y1x2y2 ⋅⋅⋅ xnyn,

      and given two languages L1 and L2 define

      L1#L2 = { x#y : xL1yL2 ∧ |x| = |y| }.

      Show that if L1 and L2 are regular, then L1#L2 is regular.
    4. For any language L and integer k ≥ 1, define L1/k to be the language of all strings x such that xkL (here, xk is just xx ⋅⋅⋅ x  k times). So for example, L1/1 = L, and L1/2 consists of all x such that xxL. Show that if L is regular, then L1/2 is regular. [Hint: given an n-state DFA recognizing L, construct an nn+1-state DFA recognizing L1/2.]
    5. Show that if L is regular, then L1/k is regular, for any k ≥ 1. [The previous hint also applies here.]
    6. Given a language L, define L1/* to be the union of all the L1/k for k = 1,2,3,…. Show that if L is regular, then L1/* is regular. [Same hint.]
    7. Given a language L over Σ, define

      L/2 = { x ∈ Σ* : (∃ y) |y| = |x| ∧ xyL }.

      Show that if L is regular then L/2 is regular. [Hint: given an n-state DFA recognizing L, construct an n2n2-state DFA for L/2.

Homework 4:

  1. 3.15(d,e), 3.22, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.13, 4.16, 5.3, 5.4
  2. 3.16(b,d), 4.18, 4.30
  3. This problem is a variant of Exercise 3.20. Assume that M is a normal one-tape Turing machine, except that (i) on input w, the left portion of the tape initially contains $w$, where "$" is a special end marker symbol not in the input alphabet, and (ii) the machine is not allowed to write (change any symbols) anywhere in $w$ during the computation. (M is allowed to do anything it wants in the initially blank portion of the tape to the right.) Show that such a machine can only recognize a regular language. See the hint below only if you are stumped.

[Hint: Since M can easily move from one end marker to the other, we can assume WLOG that the tape head starts on the right end marker instead of the left. Fix an input w of length n, so that the left end marker is in cell 0 and the head is initially scanning the right end marker in cell n+1. For any in, suppose that at some time step t, the head moves left from cell i+1 into cell i while entering some state q, and then at some later time t', the head moves right again from cell i to cell i+1 (for the first time since time t) and enters some state r. Note that the state r only depends on the state q (and the input w) and not on the time, since the cells j never change for any ji. Thus we can define a mapping from the states of M to the states of M based on this behavior, i.e., the mapping that sends any given state q to the corresponding r. (There's an exceptional case to consider: what if M's head never returns to cell i+1 after moving left into cell i and entering state q? In this case, q maps to one of the two halting states of M as appropriate.) Such a mapping is called a crossing sequence at cell i. Note that the set of all possible state-to-state mappings is finite and only depends on M and not on w. Note also that the total behavior of M on input w depends only on M itself and the crossing sequence at cell n, and is otherwise independent of w.

Now here's your job:
Define a DFA A whose states include all mappings from the state set of M into the state set of M. Show that, for any cell 0 < in, the crossing sequence at cell i only depends on the crossing sequence of cell i-1 and the contents of cell i (show what this dependence is explicitly). Use this fact to define a transition function for A, so that as A reads w from left to right, when reading the ith symbol of w, the state of A goes from the crossing sequence at cell i-1 to the crossing sequence at cell i. Make the start state of A to be the crossing sequence at cell 0 (this is clearly independent of w). What should the final states of A be??? This set is easy to define, although there is no general way of computing what it is for arbitrary M. Explain your definition of A.] )

Homework 5: High-level descriptions suffice for all algorithms.

  1. Exercises 5.5 and 5.7
  2. Problems 5.9, 5.12, 5.22, 5.24
  3. (TRICKY: Recall that FINTM is the language of all < M > such that M is a TM and L(M) is finite. Define COFTM ("COF" means "cofinite") to be the language of all < M > such that M is a TM and L(M) contains all but a finite number of strings (that is, there are at most a finite number of strings not accepted by M).
    1. Show that FINTMm COFTM.
    2. Show that FINTMm the complement of COFTM.
  4. Exercises 7.1(a,b,e,f), 7.5, 7.10, 7.12
  5. Problem 7.17

Homework 6:

  1. Problems 7.22, 7.38, 7.43
  2. Exercise 8.3, Problem 8.8

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