CSCE 520
Homework 6

Undergrads and graduate students -- do Exercises 5.3.1(a,b,c), 6.6.1(a,b), 11.1.2, 11.2.2, 11.3.1(a,b), 11.3.2, 12.1.2(b,d), 12.2.1(b).

Graduate students only -- do Exercise 5.3.1(d,e), 6.6.1(c,d).

NOTE: Exercise 6.6.1 is not a MySQL exercise. Use the flavor of SQL given in the book and submit your hand-written answer with the others at or before the beginning of class or else electronically before midnight. Each of your answers should be one or more SQL statements surrounded by high-level pseudocode. Be sure to group your SQL statements and queries into transactions as appropriate, as if there were others who may be querying/updating the database concurrently.

Undergrads and graduate students -- do Exercises 12.1.2(b,d), 12.2.1(b).