Homework 1
CSCE 813 – Farkas
Spring 2014
Score: 10 points
Due: January 23, 2014 2:00 am via dropbox
Consider the following cryptography protocol aiming to support the agreement of a shared key KAB between Alice and Bob, using a trusted third party TTP.
In the protocol, A(B) is the identity of A(B), CertA(B) is the digital certificate of A(B), SigA(B){M} denotes that A(B) digitally signs message M, KA(B) is the public key of A(B), KAB is the shared secret key to be used between A and B, t is a time stamp, E(K,M) denotes the encryption of message M with K.
After each message explain what the recipient of the message knows and the level of trust.
1. Alice -> TTP: A, B
2. TTP -> Alice: CertA, CertB
3. Alice -> Bob: CertA, CertB, E(KB, [SigA{( KAB, t)}])
Show an attack where Bob can fool a third user, Pete, that Pete is sharing KAB with Alice (not Bob).