University of South Carolina
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Sections 001/H10: Tuesday, Thursday 1:15 – 2:30 pm
Section J60: APOGEE class
Instructor: Csilla Farkas
Office: Horizon II, 2253
Office Hours: Tuesday,
Thursday 12:30 – 1:00 pm and 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm in-person or by appointment
Class homepage:
Graduate TA: Sambit Mukherjee
Office: TBA
Hours: TBA
Bulletin Description:
Threats to
information resources and appropriate countermeasures. Cryptography,
identification and authentication, access control models and mechanisms,
multilevel database security, steganography, Internet security, and intrusion
detection and prevention.
CSCE 146; MATH 374 or
MATH 174
Outcomes: By the end of
the course, students will be able to:
1. Identify common risks, threats, and countermeasures
related to computing systems.
2. Apply knowledge of computer security to
personal computer use.
3. Analyze computing situations with respect
to security risks, threats, and countermeasures, including the tradeoffs
between security and system functionality.
4. Work with others to design and/or
implement security measures.
Text Books
1. Charles P.Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, and Lizzie
Coles-Kemp, Security in Computing (6th Edition, August 5, 2023), Prentice Hall
PTR; ISBN-10: 0137891210, ISBN-13: 978-0137891214
2. Online resources from publicly available
or UofSC licensed resources
Lectures slides,
homework and project assignments, and announcements will be posted in MS
Teams. All class assignments and tests will be handled
electronically. Students expected to use MS Teams for class related
materials and assignment submissions.
Assignment Grading: Solutions and grades for assignments will be
returned within a week of due date (assuming the
assignment is turned in on time).
Assignments contribution to
the final grade:
Homework assignments: 30%,
Midterm1: 25%, Midterm 2: 25%, Project: 20%
Undergraduate students will
have 100 possible points. Final grade will be assigned based on the percentage of points
achieved by the students as follows.
Final grade: A = ≥ 90% C = 70-74%
(undergraduates) B+= 85-89% D+= 65-69%
B = 80-84% D = 60-64%
C+= 75-79% F = < 60%
Graduate students will have
120 possible points. Final grade will be assigned based on the percentage of points
achieved by the students as follows.
Final grade: A = ≥ 90% C = 70-74%
(graduates) B+= 85-89% D+=
B = 80-84% D = 60-64%
C+= 75-79% F = < 60%
Course Policies
Attendance: Section 001 and H10 students are expected to attend the in-person
lectures. Exceptions are granted based
on circumstances outside of the students’ control, e.g., illness, family
emergencies, travel requirements, etc.
Tardiness, late assignments: homework is due at midnight on the due date
(submitted via Late assignments will be charged 20% per
day. Dates for the exams are announced at the beginning of the semester and
posted on the class’ website. Students must complete the exams as scheduled
unless impeding circumstances outside of their control. Such circumstances must be clearly
Policy on disabilities or special needs: Reasonable accommodations are available for students
with a documented disability. Students, you have a disability and may need
accommodations to fully participate in this class, contact the Student
Disability Resource Center:
803-777-6142, TDD 803-777-6744, email , or stop by LeConte College Room 112A. All accommodations must be approved through the Office of
Student Disability Services. See
Violations of academic honesty: Homework assignments and exams are expected to be the
sole effort of the student submitting the wor
Diversity: To learn, we must be open to the views of people
different that ourselves. In this time we share
together over the semester, please honor the uniqueness of your fellow
classmates and appreciate the opportunity we have to learn from one another.
Please respect each other’s opinions and refrain from personal attacks or
demeaning comments of any kind. Finally, remember to keep confidential all
issues of a personal or professional nature that are discussed in class.