Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 –
10:30 am
Swearingen 2A05
Instructor: Csilla Farkas
Office: Swearingen 3A43
Office Hours: Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday 2:30 – 3:30 pm or electronically any time or by appointment
Telephone: 576-5762
Class homepage:
Prerequisites: Upper classman standing
Course Description: The objectives of this course are to expose students to techniques
and practices related to secure software development and integration. The focus
is practical with discussions on why and how mechanisms ensure security, what
level of security is provided, and how hostile adversaries might violate the
mechanisms. Programming flaws, methods to avoid and correct flaws, and economic
cost of software bugs are also addressed.
Homework Assignments:
FINAL EXAM -- JULY 29, 8:30 –
11:00 AM